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Thread: brough to a halt

  1. #1
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    brough to a halt

    I just cant seem to get anywhere anymore. The drop rate for almost all materials have slowed considerably for me! I cant do adventures everyday because I cant get enough mermaid scales to make lumin essence, or enough jewels to make swords, or enough milk chocolate to make the valentine feast. So, I do an adventure about every other day but they keep turning out useless rewards. I am also trying to find the wing and the horn, but no luck! This used to be a really enjoyable game but if I cannot progress its losing its appeal rapidly. I have been at a stand still for weeks!

  2. #2
    Have you completed the aquifers shard? It improves the drop rate if mermaid scales. It takes a few complete lap of collections from ponds a day, but it satisfy my needs of mermaid scales.

  3. #3
    Nightclub Owner
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    Mar 2011
    Are you trying to collect from everything? If you are it will slow you down. I find it helps to pick what i want to achieve and focus my energies on it. I don't bother collecting from most of my coin buildings. Instead I put that energy towards getting mermaid scales.

    Do you have two of each of the resource buildings?

  4. #4
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2012
    I sent u an invite so i could look at ur kingdom. I only counted three water sources (2 ponds and a well). I think u need at least two more. I collect from my five and i usually get 1 - 3 scales per round...sometimes zero. Also i only counted one mine. U need the other one. U also have a lot of plants and animals so if ur collecting from them often then ur using up a lot of energy for minimal returns. I agree with maguar. If u concentrate on a few tasks then u'll accomplish so much. For instance, one week my priority was accumulating mermaid scales. It took me 5-6 days of collecting and not using them to max out. From then on, once my balance hits 80 i don't use anymore until i'm back in the low 90's. that limitation forces me to concentrate on other things which helps another area.

  5. #5
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2012
    Meant to say ... While accumulating scales, i didn't craft anything that required them until they were maxed out.

  6. #6
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2012
    I also only counted one hatchery. Having two is a better way of collecting eggs and roast chickens than the individual chickens. I only collect from the individual ones when i really need to restock.

  7. #7
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2012
    Sorry for the constant posting, i have an 8 year old demanding my attention.

    The one mine you do have is only level 3. It may be a coincidence but i got better quality output at higher levels. You may want to try that as well.

  8. #8
    Fashion Designer
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    Oct 2011
    Thanks for the tips. I can upgrade my buildings and see if that helps. I do only collect from a few things at a time. I dont waste energy on my plants or coin buildings. The frustrating thing is that this was never an issue until recently. I always had plenty of jewels and mermaid scales. I made the mistake of giving what jewels I had to the Tabernum Research: Alchemy quest and now i just cant seem to get anymore so I cant finish that quest while making swords for adventures.

    Salamander2007-Im really not sure if i completed the aquifers shard or not??

  9. #9
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    If you've done the alchemy quest (4th one) then you've completed the aquifiers one (1st)
    Last edited by maguar; 03-25-13 at 03:31 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by savage_mel View Post

    Salamander2007-Im really not sure if i completed the aquifers shard or not??
    Check your inventory. If you have four shards, that means you've probably already completed the quest.

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