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Thread: Would be better if TL bring trade system

  1. #1

    Would be better if TL bring trade system

    so u can trade dragon with other.. or even buy gold with some sliver coin, so we can have all dragon easily..

  2. #2
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    yeah but then there would be no excitement in trying and trying then getting the one you've been dying for!

  3. #3
    I'd like the trade idea but the point of the game is to keep trying for yourself untill you get what you want. And if we could buy gold with silver, well...TLs games are free but they make money from selling gold, so they'd go bankrupt if we could do that. At least we can gift each other gold...

  4. #4
    Yeah i like the trading idea, but i dont think tl will ever implement it, and this trying and trying bit is really frustating, if you know after 100 tries u will get one then u can try but u may try 200 times and u may not get a specific rare dragon, so i think from our point of view trading is an exciting idea, but from tl's point of view it's a dengarous one

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