Quote Originally Posted by pops1972 View Post
I saw some kids had posted vulgar abusive messages on a sweet lady's wall. The sweet lady could not do anything to defend herself. Her daughter visits and sees the messages and what would you do if you were that daughter. Your blood would boil. She defended her mother. It was a mess. What could i do. Tattle? I dont think so. Then the daughter would get banned and that would be a crying shame. I could not even comfort the sweet lady because then the little devil would have a link to my neighbors. The sweet lady should have been able to handle this on her own. With dignity. BLOCK. DELETE. it broke my heart. And i cant celebrate todays success. My heart is broken. Please add a block button for sweet old ladies.
While I agree that a "block user" feature is a good idea, it's really up to the "sweet lady" to deal with this problem, as it was on HER wall. She could hardly ask TL to help in this case, given the circumstances, but all she had to do was delete the offending posts to solve the problem.
