Heya, here some wishes to make the game nicer
1. Animated avatars like farmville,2. Animated flowers,trees and animals,3.npc'c they come to buy some things like "wurzelimperium"(watch it its a free browser farmgame),4. Let my neighbors walk on my farm so we can talk together,talking from message to message its not funny Other farmer can join my farm after a invite, max 3 neighbors can join a farm!,5. THE GEMS^^ 24 gems for 3.99? its a bit too much! Let the price but give more gems pls! Watch the german app store rewievs, every 2th tread say's "gems are too expansive" so this guys dont spend money for this game! 2 ways to handle it, gems up or price(ingame items) down greetings Laubenpieper