Wow. My long term nbrs have always said I am lucky with alicorns and maybe, reading above, I am. I never thought I was when I saw the numbers some have...

I think I started playing either just before or when the love shack was released - can't remember exactly.

I have 17 alicorns, with only one of those bought when there was a sale when I didn't have many. All the rest were fully crafted in the love shack. Of those I have 4 babies, so they don't give me energy, and 13 adults, the most recent crafted earlier this month. I always have more wings and have 5 of those waiting for a matching horn. (But in comparison I have a nbr who has 5 horns waiting for wings ...)

Until recently I have never needed all the energy from these and often didn't collect from them, which is why I have kept 4 as cute youngsters. I was amazed by those who do have heaps more and wondered what they did with all that energy ...

But recent events are making me think a couple of my babies might need to grow up!