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Thread: my mistake

  1. #1
    New Resident
    Join Date
    May 2016

    my mistake

    Hello, I don't know if i post to the right place but an admin can move the thread to right place, or dellete it after a anser.
    So.. today I was have 37 diamonds and i do a mistake and when i click on a plant for 20 coins all my threes and plants what i planted was ready to collect (i don't know why not ask you if really you want to do that). I was not want to collect is in that moment because i was just plant for a few hours (4). Is any possibility to get my diamond back? now I have just 17, an admin can take off of my level a few xp and few money for what i collect and give me back 20 coins?
    I know you say (REALLY???!!! for 20 coins???).. but i do it wothout real money, just installed recomanted Storm8 apps. Please don't be bad, don't laugh..
    -Sorry for my very bad english. Sorry if i post the thread in bad place. Thank you.-

  2. #2
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I am sorry you lost your diamonds. Please send an email to and an Agent will assist you further. Do include your Storm8 ID and the game which you are referring to in your email. Btw for future reference, you can post in the respective game forum for any issue or question regarding the game. Thanks.

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