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Thread: Castle Update 11/13/14: The Faerie Skunkhouse

  1. #111
    Executive Chef
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    May 2014
    United Kingdom
    Yep we've got a long way to go yet Transberry.

  2. #112
    Fashion Designer
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    Jan 2014
    I don't know if this has been posted yet. If I am saying something already covered, please excuse me. I don't have the energy to read all of the comments.

    For those like me ho get to the point where we are taken to the Market and given the option to buy the Skunkihouse, but don't want to spend 160 gems to make 20 which is the reward for completing the quest, this is timed. In five days it appears that the last step will time out. So, you are not required to buy the item if you choose not to.

    Apparently you will not receive the 20 gems for completion, and it will dissappear from your Quest Book when the five days runs out, but thankfully TL is not requiring anyone to spend gems to finish this quest. For those who do buy the cute little building, your true cost will be 140 gems since you will get 20 for completing the quest.

    You may do as I will be doing and wait it out. It is cute but my Inventory is full of stuff I will never need. I was concerned at first that I would be required to buy the item to finish the quest which is true if I want the gems for finishing it. But I am not required to finish it. I am okay with this TL, and I appreciate that spending gems is not mandatory.

    It seems a bit unfair to me that I will not get the gems for finishing the quest unless I buy the item, but I would rather give up the 20 gems I don't get for finishing, in lieu of spending 160 gems for a bauble I don't need. Life is not always fair, but that doesn't mean that what seems unfair is necessarily wrong. It is just the way it is.

    Again folks, it is not required that you spend gems for this. It will time out. You do have a choice.
    Last edited by 55lee55; 11-13-14 at 03:56 PM.

  3. #113
    Executive Chef
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    May 2013
    Have harvested several full fields of sugar cane and corn, zero skunkupines.

  4. #114
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghjvcucjb View Post
    Have harvested several full fields of sugar cane and corn, zero skunkupines.
    Tell me you DID NOT say you harvested corn..... Aaaarrrhhhh.... Hahahahahaha Just kidding. I was trying to work out which crops I might plant to attract skunks, but I'm maxed on all, so cooking here we come.
    I was trying to avoid at all cost corn, cause I've banned talking or planting corn for the month of November in my kingdom to try and get over the candy corn event (you know this is very tongue in cheek right!). Sadly I have to plant corn now. Can someone pass the tissues.

  5. #115
    Farm Supplier
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    ~*tosses a box of tissues to SpiritWind*~

  6. #116
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    Tell me you DID NOT say you harvested corn..... Aaaarrrhhhh.... Hahahahahaha Just kidding. I was trying to work out which crops I might plant to attract skunks, but I'm maxed on all, so cooking here we come.
    I was trying to avoid at all cost corn, cause I've banned talking or planting corn for the month of November in my kingdom to try and get over the candy corn event (you know this is very tongue in cheek right!). Sadly I have to plant corn now. Can someone pass the tissues.
    Oh I hear you SpiritWind00. As I was planting the corn I felt a familiar ache in my shoulder radiating down to my elbow. By the time the corn was ready to harvest, my hand, in memory of the dread candy corn event, shriveled into a claw like apparatus. I had to collect with the back of my knuckles. I don't think my hand will ever fully recover or forgive me for that event.

  7. #117
    Executive Chef
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
    Tell me you DID NOT say you harvested corn..... Aaaarrrhhhh.... Hahahahahaha Just kidding. I was trying to work out which crops I might plant to attract skunks, but I'm maxed on all, so cooking here we come.
    I was trying to avoid at all cost corn, cause I've banned talking or planting corn for the month of November in my kingdom to try and get over the candy corn event (you know this is very tongue in cheek right!). Sadly I have to plant corn now. Can someone pass the tissues.
    Here ya go ...tissues galore lol,
    Believe me I feel for you since I am in the same "ban Corn until next Halloween " situation

    Cruel TL Cruel!!! Making us plant corn again ! lol.
    💎💎Gem confirmation button please!💎💎

  8. #118
    Executive Chef
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    It's like a band aid, rip it off quickly. I almost maxed my corn stock within a few days of the Halloween event, saved a few spaces for Pepe to drop me a few.

    Anyway enjoy the quest. I don't have enough gems to get the skunkhouse just yet and nowhere near the plume hive. But I have done a few of my own quests, upgraded a few buildings, including 2 deep mines. I love Thursday nights, if I don't get a quest I make some of my own.

  9. #119
    Rhino Keeper
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    Is the skunk pet house a for ever drop? I mean is it timed for the length of the quest and be like the jackolanterns and turn into decoration, I am not up to the plume hive so cannot do the quests, but I still need the drops from the pet house, so will it still keep dropping after the timed portion is over? Thanks in advance.

  10. #120
    Executive Chef
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    If someone already posted this and I missed it, apologies.

    I just had a plume hive adventure I sent out yesterday return, and it DID count towards the second step goal.
    Now I wait on Ivy and marketplace to recharge.

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