Quote Originally Posted by SpiritWind00 View Post
I bought it too as I like the idea of being able to use the other 2 trades that use the magic fruit. It allow me to do different trades without milking my poor cows to death. And it's very pretty! I'm glad I bought it even though I had lots of fruit before I got the tree. If you have 2 wizard schools (which should be a priority especially as your levels increase) then it's a good spend.
Quote Originally Posted by forkyfork99 View Post
Sorry for the stupid question but what does magic fruit have to do with cows/milk?
No, that's not silly, but me writing too late at night and not expressing myself clearly! I just meant that I do the trade with milk and eggs a LOT and because I have the magic tree now, I can do other trades and allow my cows to have a break from being milked every 10 minutes. Given the magic tree is a constant source of magic fruit I can do those trades as well now more frequently. I hope I haven't confused you even further! Haha