So yeah, I know there's no way to get a quick million bucks, but I blew threw almost a good 80% of my stashed money redecorating my restaurant a few dozen times over the last three months. I've got about 500,000 left, but I need to get back above the million mark without selling everything (which would be self-defeating at best).

I've got about seventy tables in my restaurant with 3 doors going, but I'm not clearing out the food I have fast enough to really earn anything substantial. I think it's more of what I've been cooking, maybe. What would be the best food to cook for the stove or oven that would earn me the most money in the shortest amount of time?

Also, is there a way to speed up my customer intake? I mean, three doors, seventy tables, and a 100% rating, and it's still not making fast money? Sheesh...