Just a thought: i noticed that the two kingdoms i was able to visit that had gotten other badges other than Explorer, were pretty much fully expanded, maybe one expansion left. I know we didn't need to be fully expanded for the Explorer's but i wonder since this is suppose to be a long term goal if we need to accomplish more/most/all of the expansions for the random badges to drop? I still have 5 to go. I've watered trees and mushroom rings over 200 times, crafted several of many items, grown hundreds + of crops, vanquish dozens upon dozens of foes, bought new animals with gems, smashed more than a dozen rocks in all sizes, cleared wild things until nothing is left for the animals to munch on (my butter and eggs are going to be vety bland tasting) sent knights out everyday, kept my exchange running without let up (other than to sleep) and nada. When I hear that someone got it from harvesting 66 strawberries makes ill. Like the stupid Alicorn parts.

I am no longer actively pursuing this any more. Although puzzles can be good and randomness can be good, the combination of the two in this goal is not so good to me. My history with random items on this game is appalling noted by my lack of Alicorn, last botany plant, carriage, and other items. So I no longer even look at my goal list which constantly reminds me that no matter how much I play/work in my kingdom I still can not complete random goals.

My main feedback to TeamLava would be this: human beings stay more engaged in an activity if there is some known benefit. Even if it's a little hint popping up once in awhile that says good job or something or some sense of fairness in the game. 66 strawberries vs hundreds and hundreds for other without even getting a gold star just makes many lose interest.

Otherwise still love this game and hope the next real update gets here soon. Love having real goals to go after and work towards.