Like I posted in the " uninvited neighbor" thread, I will no longer be supporting TL games due to the unwanted neighbor TL has imposed on us. I have removed my tables and ovens in Bakery story and will delete both farm and bakery by Sunday if TL has not either given a good reason for intruding on our rights and privacy, or given us the option to delete "stormie". Unfortunately I have already invested both too much money and too much time in these games that i have come to love. I do not want to invest any more time and work into something that I have a feeling I will end up deleting due to a lack of response from TL.

I understand that all these glitches we 've been experiencing in the last few weeks were the result of TL trying to force their "spy" into each of our farms/bakeries/restaurants etc.

Its no secret that TL supporters are up in arms over this intrusion, but hopefully I am not the only one to take action. We deserve answers, and the lack of them shows me just how important we are as individual customers. I'm sure you assumed that this intrusion would cost you customers, I also assume that you figured you would sacrifice a few because ultimately "stormie" is here to some how benefit you...and we know how greedy TL can be. I just hope enough people refuse to continue playing so that this time, you feel your losses.

Anyway, I basically feel that holding out till Sunday for a response from TL will be a waste of time. I know I was getting my hopes up, thinking perhaps I 'll be able to play my games because TL decided to correct their mistake.

Well, my wonderful's to dreaming