I downloaded this game this morning and I do like it. However, when people tap on the buildings to leave sparkles, they don't go away until the building is ready to have its money collected. I'm assuming thats the way it works, unless I've missed something obvious. I did delete/reinstall and restart my iphone just in case it was having an issue with the game.

Is there any way that the sparkles could be made a bit less obnoxious? I have no problem with only collecting the tips when the money is due, but having to stare at the maniacally sparkling city while building and such is really distracting and annoying.

Some of them even continue to sparkle after collection which makes me wonder if its a bug.

Its annoying enough that I'll be deleting the game once I hit level 12 and get the rewards for my other games. If its changed I'll likely continue to play because it is cute and fairly entertaining.

Does this annoy anyone else?