I've never purchased a limited edition item but this time I just couldn't pass it up, I also purchased the boardwalk looking coffee sign by mistake but I'm under loopiness inducing medication so I give myself a pass ;p lol My bakery is more on the realistic side and I wish I could show you guys but I'm Android so no dice! Is it just me or does it seem like these were two separate theme updates meshed together for the sake of Mama's Day? The coffee sign is just so...out of place? I'm not complaining, just saying.... Anyway as I said I'm in looove with the coffee bean display since it's so realistic and was wondering if anyone else out there has a more realistic looking bakery too? Maybe we can use this thread to showcase those bakeries and suggest potential items for people who want more bakery oriented decorations. I'll start:

Industrial Refrigerator(like the one from RS Mystery Mail Box)
Large Stand Mixer(maybe a custard yellow color for a touch of whimsy)
Another Display Counter for small desserts like cupcakes, macarons and fun shaped cookies
Pots and Pans Metal Shelf(Floor Decoration)
Sprinkle Shelf (Wall Decoration)- my personal wish!

I'm sure there are other realistic bakery items others would like to see, I thought I'd start a fun thread on what people wish for and if anyone has a realistic looking bakery please post it