Quote Originally Posted by LemracCafe View Post
At this stage I'm not game to purchase gems or even craft them in exchange because they keep disappearing. In the last 2 days I've gone from 203 to 79 and can't figure out where they've gone. As this is a common problem for many players including myself I'm appealing to S8 for some help by introducing an extra step in gem usage. When we craft in many buildings there's a confirmation materials spend button and we really need one for gem spends. It's upsetting and frustrating that gems seem to disappear with no 'spend confirmation option'. There are times if like to 'gem ahead' in events but I'm not game to hold any gems in reserve because of the mystery of where gems went. I kept some gems for the sales but last week I accidentally lost 616 gems to and I'm less inclined to purchase sale item's anymore. I know I'm only 1 player but I know there are other players who are reducing gem purchases to gem ahead in events and purchasing sale items. Anyway Storm8 may we PLEASE have a gem spend confirmation button.
Amen to this! Players have begged for years for a gem confirmation button and frankly, we deserve one. I refuse to purchase gems, simply because I know the time will come that I will loose at least some of them due to the lack of a confirmation button.

Come on S8! It is way past time to hear our pleas. You can do this and your refusal to do so creates ill will amongst those of us who would otherwise be willing to support your game.