The holy grail of smartphones? I'd be one of the last people on the planet you'd hear say that, considering I'm a) an Android owner, b) a Google fanboy, and c) I've never purchased an Apple product. Seriously. I was one of those people with a Toshiba Gigabeat, Creative Zen Player (a couple of those, actually), and a Microsoft Zune. My personal phone is actually the same phone as nmishi. Nothing against Apple, I just have generally gravitated toward other products in consumer electronics.

Please also keep in mind that iOS users got a large headstart (our games were iOS before Android), so naturally, they're ahead on features. However, our Android team is pretty quick, all things considered. The amount of time it has taken them to port the TL games to Android, then add full parity to each, has been pretty blazing. They're working on the rest, but they also have other projects that have their attention.

And yeah, you can post wherever... just please respect the right of other players to post about what they want, as well. For example, if I started steering all Android feature parity threads into heated discussions about proper attire for polka dancing, some Android players would be miffed. Though it would be funny.

Quote Originally Posted by DerGelbeKaiser
Oh-kay...they better stay away from Youtube then.
As someone who has read his fair share of YouTube arguments, that's probably good advice for anyone.