I don't even know how long I've been playing WW but I know I will never play another S8 (or TeamLava) game again. I paid for some upgrades in the early days until I realized how pointless that was. I thought their model was fine until the time came when you just knew you had to "camp" for months before you could really improve your position. Their competence (or lack of) was illustrated when they allow people to exploit flaws or "glitches" in their game(s?) for a very long time (I saw friends suddenly max out their buildings in weeks). Queue the conspiracy theorists: was it S8 that was pretending there was a hack and it was them collecting the money from the suckers? I don't doubt it. Either way, it's good riddance to S8. Unlike others here, I don't hope you go bankrupt... I KNOW you will go bankrupt.