Such dweeb faces, for making the ovens cost gems. Im contemplating buying one, with the 6 free gems I got from downloading bakery rainbow. But this is getting insane. Theyre doing something semi decent with having gems for every level. But is that even a sure thing, where everyone gets it or is it a maybe perhaps? I still will not buy gems for money and they wont see a dime from me in that regard.

So no actual monetary purchases, I dont care what comes up in a gem package. Same for restaurant. Ill be throwing a bigger tantrum if they pulled this with the indian recipes. The decor is for coins, but I still wont waste my hard earned 6 million coins on it. Im only thinking of the oven because my food has sold out and I used all my previous saved gems on the last expansion on sale. Otherwise, I still do not like the path this game is taking.

Its heartbreaking because I KNOW they will charge us for recipes come the holidays. And all hell will break loose. We will have to start thinking what we will do for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Xmas and Valentines. Imagine, goals for those times and we will need to purchase optional items to unlock ovens. Or something similar to the rose oven costing gems. With beautiful recipes we want out on our seasonal counters. But we will need to pay to play.

I stopped playing chef town because of their changes, and id put some money into that one in the short months id been playing. If every other week we will have to use gems for appliances and they mess up the holidays, im done. I dont care to hear any feedback over how everything cant be free. I have spent thousands in over four years. I know the game isnt free. And it isnt arrogance or selfishness to expect the food to be free. Its laughable to think the basic of the game needs to have us spend money on it too. Free gems ARE plenty, but when the decor is gem heavy, tables and chairs cost gems and wallpaper, how can we expect to NOT to have spend money on the food too?

Its redundant. Who wants to play just to decide if they will use gems on food or decor? Who does that? Super lame.