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Thread: Characters of the Glimmerwood - a little bit of fun!

  1. #1
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!

    Characters of the Glimmerwood - a little bit of fun!

    Dear players,

    I thought it might be fun to write a story on the cast of characters involved in Castle Story so we can go back and see what part they are playing and what they are up to now. Here is our journey! I hope you like it and it makes you smile. It's not finished, but I wanted to share it with you anyway. Happy Reading!!

    *Characters of the Glimmerwood*

  2. #2
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 1 - The Missing Heir

    I find myself in a clearing alone. There is an empty half built farmhouse, lots of pretty trees and rocks around me and then... BAM! This man appears out of nowhere and tells me I have to chop wood! What does he mean 'chop wood'? I've never used an axe in my life. Oh well, I'm very willing to try anything once, so I walk up to a tree and touch it and WOW an axe appears in my hand (where did that come from?!). So I swing a couple of times and the farmhouse is magically fixed! Now, this is good news as I have no idea where I came from and got here.

    No sooner than I fix the farmhouse, then I'm asked to harvest corn (umm, where did the corn come from!). I walk up to the corn and touch it and the corn magically goes into the barn! I'm starting to think this place is a little bit magical!

    I'm feeling quite clever at these newly acquired s****s. The man tells me to plant more corn. Clearly this man does not know me at all. I think I'm allergic to corn. But, as I'm not sure who he is, I decide to go along with what he asks me to do. It is kind of nice to have someone to talk to.

    So, I plant a few more corn and then am asked to build another farmhouse and then he tells me that I'm in charge of this place. Me? I wonder what the catch is. He looks shady and not to be trusted. I wish he'd leave though...

    Baron Pfeffernot knows The Truffle Hustle but beware of the High Steaks; The Baron has a Secret Ambition and is looking for Royal Proof.
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-19-16 at 02:30 AM.

  3. #3
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 2 - I have 's****s'!

    I start exploring my new kingdom. I find I can do all sorts of things, like pruning and weeding and chopping more trees and rocks so that I can make a life for myself. I even know how to make buildings! And, I have a COW! I'm very clever it would seem!

    It's an interesting place, like nowhere I've seen before. I see an old well at the end of a path and grab my fishing pole. I'm hungry with all of this work.

    And so begins my life in the Glimmerwood. It turns out the man I met is none other than Baron Garland Pfefferknot. It's ok, I'd not heard of him either, but I didn't have the heart to tell him that. He seems very bossy and mean, and he is fixated with money and gold for some reason. The Baron tells me that there are actually other people in the kingdom beavering away, but clearly they don't like him either as they are always working inside the homes and buildings. I never see them and they don't talk to me, but I know they're there.

    It looks like I'm here to stay, so I name my kingdom and then I discover a man who is cursed as a goat. His name is Old Thomas and he is the kingdom's Scholar. Thankfully, I am able lift the curse on him and now we are firm friends.

    We have lots of fun adventures together and he tells the most terrific stories from his many many scrolls!

    Old Thomas is The Royal Scholar and spends his time in The Scholars Library looking for scrolls, Blueprints and Spell books. Old Thomas, just how clean *is* your Library?
    Last edited by SpiritWind00; 08-19-16 at 02:30 AM.

  4. #4
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 3 - Another Curse

    Her name is Ivy and I found her one day after I cleared some land. I say found, cause I nearly chopped her down! It wasn't my fault; she looked like a tree! She actually looked quite good as a tree, but she wanted to be freed. Lucky for her I'd had success in lifting the curse on Old Thomas, so I figured I'd have another go at it!

    I worked very hard to free her from her curse as well. Ivy is awesome. She loves to experiment and make potions and she is really fun. It's so nice to have another friend. Ivy even made a purple cow! I'm not sure she has got the hang of all of this potion making stuff, but I'm sure she'll get better at it!

    Because I'm an excellent master builder, I even built her a house. She absolutely loves it and every time I visit her she showers me with gifts of pretty petals and other useful items. She is very generous! (Don't get me started on Old Thomas...he just wants to keep giving my encyclopedia's and other books.)

    Ivy branched out after Gathering Ingredients; knows about Faerie Magic & loves all things Skunkupine. Tells occasional Fortunes and claims not to be a witch . . .

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    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 4 - Whatever next!

    A few months later, I have totally got the hang of running my kingdom. The workers are very happy and I am able to spend all of my time wandering the kingdom in my spare time. I've built all sorts of useful buildings like a market place, kitchen, sawmill and a mine. Me! I told you I had 's****s'!

    The only bad thing I've found so far is that sometimes out of nowhere, a stinky grey skunk appears and sometimes this ugly orange beast with fangs which I found that if I whack a few times, they disappear. My s**** set is growing!

    It's amazing what you find when you're alone walking around. I heard sneezing in the distance. How strange.... I never see any of the town people except Ivy and Old Thomas. They're like me, definitely outdoor folk.

    Now, you will not believe what happened next! I was clearing more land (I don't know why this keeps happening to me!) towards the sea and I happen across a semi-naked man! Good grief! In boxer shorts of all things!

    Thurston, a knight, had a spot of Trouble with Trolls. Occasionally quotes the Knights Code. He is the Royal Defender & Jousts For Glimmerwood!

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    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 5 - Are you serious?

    Now I know what you're thinking, another curse. Well, it turns out he was on the quest to defeat the foul Troll king, got lost, and had his armor stolen by Glimmer Trolls. (can you believe this guy?!) I had some time to spare, so I set out to help him too. The only issue I have with Thurston (that's his name by the way), was he has this propensity to quote his precious Knights Code. I think he just makes it up, but he seems trustworthy, despite his lack of clothing.

    So, I eventually find his clothes; those glimmer trolls did a good job hiding everything!

    Oh, did I tell you I built a castle? Well, I did, clever, right! Thurston loves it. After I found all his clothes I sent him on a mission to find a special item called Mithril so that we could craft this awesome sword to defeat the Troll King.

    I'm not sure I approve of all the whacking that was involved in defeating the troll king. It was exhausting! But I kept a smile on my face and swung my sword at him till he disappeared.

    But, I did get something I'd always wanted - an enormous red ruby! I tucked that away for a rainy day somewhere safe.

  7. #7
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 6 - Princesses and Wanna-be's

    Every story must have them. And I found them here in the Glimmerwood. So much happens in a year or so. You would not believe how much food I have to make to feed the knights who go on adventures to bring me back much needed items from far away lands. Not to mention how much wood and stone I need which keeps my workers constantly busy. It's never ending, but lots of fun too!

    Back to Princesses. You will never guess what happened when clearing land down in the southern highlands? There was this girl with the most messy and tangled hair I've ever seen. What I went through to free that girl to make her as 'pretty as a princess'.... I need a holiday! Her name is Sabina. It turns out that not only is she actually very nice and has pretty hair, but she has a bit of a 'thing' for Thurston. I wonder where that will lead?

    Princess Sabina, Hungry for Freedom, she escaped from the pages of a Legend. The Grateful Princess shares her home with Little Manty.

  8. #8
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 7 - We need a knight, an old wise man & a witch

    There is this crazy looking floating stone archway held down by these enormous chains. We call it the Glimmergate. It's down south past where I found Sabina all tangled. We can only see it through a clearing though. Sabina thought she would explore nearby it one day and she saw a lady in red lurking around the Glimmergate. Sabina loves fairy tales and has her own book which she carries with her. The lady in red sounded a lot like a story in her fairytale book, so she decided to investigate. After talking with Old Thomas, Thurston and Ivy we decided to clear the land and take a closer look.

    We arrived at the Glimmergate and tried to open the doors, but they were locked. Out of nowhere, we hear a voice that says "hello dears". Sabina squeals "witch!" (have I said before how annoying that is) and frightens us all but it didn't faze the lady in red. She looks at us and simply says, "Witch?! You... Ahem. I'm *Lady* Greselda. What brings you here?" We introduce ourselves and Thurston asks her whether or not she knows anything about the gate. She replies "Do I? Only everything there is to know about it!" Before she would tell us anything though, she wanted us to invite her tea first.

    So we had tea with Apple Pies, Lemonade and Orange Cobblers! YUM!

    Lady Greselda is a little High Maintenance. Once Under Key & Lock this original bad girl is a zap happy Glam Golem Lady.

  9. #9
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 8 - Make you what?!

    Old Thomas's scrolls have so much information about the magic world of the Glimmerwoods. All good things take time and getting the key to open the glimmergate took AGES! I sent the knights out several times to get special things that we need to craft the Key of Doors so that we could unlock the Glimmergate. The day arrived when the Key of Doors was finally ready. It was so beautiful! The workers in the forge are amazing. I must remember to give them an extra day off sometime.

    Now you would have thought this would be a day of celebration. Quite the opposite. The Baron shows up and steals the Key and has quite the argument with Greselda. It was funny to watch! Ivy says that Greselda has magic of her own and she used it on me to start the charge of the Glimmergate. She had me craft a statue of her and then a carriage and then a magic mirror of all things! Her plan was nearly complete. It turns out I was under a spell (I don't know how this happened to me, but I guess it must have been my turn!)

  10. #10
    Moderator (volunteer) SpiritWind00's Avatar
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    The Glimmerwood!
    Chapter 9 - Glimmer Golems, come to your Queen!

    Now this won't surprise any of you, but after all the work we did to open the Glimmergate, these nasty ugly creatures appeared! Greselda has summoned Golems! Thurston jumped in to save us, but it was no good. He couldn't defeat them and they just kept coming! Golem after Golem; it seemed neverending. Old Thomas's scrolls had stories of a sword that could work to defeat the golems and so while I kept the golems busy, Thurston went in search of the parts we needed for a new magic glimmer sword and then we set to work on crafting the sword of all swords. It was *awesome* and I was ready for battle...

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