Nearly every time I open the game and every time the game lets me know it was out of sync with the server and re-synced, the game forces me to cycle through a ton of completed goals. I have to either hit x to exit the goal popup or decline the offer to extend my time for play-a-different-game goals. These goals have either all been completed or have been expired for quite some time. Every single goal, though not the complete goal chain. I would have tossed the game if I had to go through the every goal of the boyfriend/matchmaking scheme.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice. Both times it made an appreciable difference for about a day, and then we're back to the full round of goal popups that take a good three to five minutes (depending on my wifi connection) to dismiss. Uninstalling the game every other day is not a solution to the problem.

I have a Samsung SM-T320 running Android 4.4.2.