This isn't the first time it has happened to me, and I'm sure the same goes for other players as well.

So I just expanded into a new area (3 days wait time). Yea, after a few hours the cost to "quicken up" the wait time was 600+ gold. I was in the midst of collecting money from my dragons and I accidentally hit the expansion button, and BOOM. 600 gold gone. My hard-earned 1157 gold to 500+ in a mere split second. I'm not a gold buyer, all the gold was accumulated throughout my years of playing. But seriously?!?! All gone in an instant?!?! This problem has been around since the game started in 2012 and it hasn't gone away.

I know I can't get back my lost gold, and I am still pissed off about it, but can there at least be a confirmation button when the use of gold is involved? Like a little pop-up box to make sure the player is sincerely willing to spend the exorbitant amount and not press it by accident? I've been playing this game since 2012 and this isn't the first time it has happened to me. But 600+ gold this time? I've had many friends who quit playing because of these accidents as well. So please? Add a little confirmation button when gold is being involved?