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Thread: Woohoo!! (Part 2!)

  1. #21
    Woop-woop ! I hatched my first dragon few hours ago!
    UR: diamond 3- angel 4- dark angel 1-unicorn 2- gold 1- infinity 2- helios 2- mercury 9- crusader 5 - quetzal 5- icecrown 1 - icicle 1 - Snowangel 2
    favorites: LE like easter and snowman
    45 long list.

  2. #22
    I got 10 gems from Sir Piggles today! 5 gems each hour, two hours in a row! =D

  3. #23
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Woohoo! I got 3 golden apples from a Feral Adventure!

  4. #24
    Finally got my last expansion. Now I have a small stable for my alicorns. Also could fit in a couple more if I could get wing drops

  5. #25
    I recently got my fifth alicorn horn... I'm still waiting on my first wing drop to finally get my first alicorn. Level 50 and still have that Alicorn Quest, I wonder if it will ever be finished.
    Last edited by thenavyshark; 01-11-15 at 10:16 PM.

  6. #26
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by thenavyshark View Post
    I recently got my fifth alicorn horn... I'm still waiting on my first wing drop to finally get my first alicorn. Level 50 and still have that Alicorn Quest, I wonder if it will ever be finished.
    welcome in the "waiting for alicorn part" group!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #27
    Double ditto that. I have 6 horns

  8. #28
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Wow,,,wooohoooo I just got 5 gems from feed the Baron ,,, it shocked me ,see the little purple gem jump out at me, that's never happen to me before so it was a total shocker!!!,

  9. #29
    Woohoo I ve been collecting from my tabernum for more than a month without any shards coming and now I got 2 shards from 2 consecutives pick up!

  10. #30
    Woohoo!! I hit level 50 a couple of weeks ago and I am 2 inscriptions away from completing Sister Sister!! Its close I can smell it!

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