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Thread: Castle Story: Dialogue Guide

  1. #21
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    C14 2013 VALENTINES EDITION continued

    The Baron: Well, look at this! I must say, I didn't expect such a drastic result!
    The power of love is truly astounding!
    Ruler: What are you talking about? Did you have something to do with this?
    The Baron: Allow me to answer that impertinent question by telling a story.
    A few nights ago, I was in a state of worry. My coronation is coming soon...
    ...but despite my many fine qualities, the foolish peasants of the land do not all love me!
    I've ordered additional floggings and jailing, but nothing seems to change their minds!
    Ruler: Go figure.
    The Baron: Well, I decided to take matters into my own hands and *make* them love me.
    I called my court magician and ordered him to prepare a fantastic spell!
    Ruler: But...don't you see... You can't *force* people to love you. That's not how love works!
    The Baron: Nonsense. Look at all these amazing results! Love is everywhere!
    Ruler: But it's not real love. It's just magic. You must understand that without free will-
    The Baron: *cough* What? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Now, where is my royal tribute?
    I expect you and your people will have prepared a fine Valentines Day gift for me?
    Ruler: If I give you a tribute, will you tell me how to undo the spell?
    The Baron: ... Maybe.
    (baron>I believe a finely-crafted sceptre would make a suitable tribute.
    Make sure you fill it with all the loving feelings you have for me!
    An Unwelcome Guest *craft a Valentine Sceptre & offer as tribute-the baron wants to feel appreciated*
    (baron>Such heartfelt warmth! You love me, you really love me!) *Romantic Fountain unlocked

    Ruler: Alright, you've had your fun. Now, tell me how to undo the love spell.
    The Baron: What? But I've only just started to bask in the adulation of the people!
    The Valentine Sceptre was a fine start- but I could leave here and be forgotten tomorrow!
    I need a more permanent expression of love! A monument!
    Ruler: Oh, come on!
    The Baron: Now, now. Prove your love for me and I'll tell you how to lift the spell.
    Valentines! Chocolates! Flowers! They're what love is all about!
    Ruler: That's not what love is about at all.
    (baron>I'll feel secure about my place of prominence in all your hearts if you'd build a few things in my honor!
    Name it all after me, of course.
    True Proof Of Love? *construct or buy - romantic fountain, serenade walls, serenade towers*
    (baron> See... The spell is a success! Your love for me is making you work harder!)

    Ruler: We've done all you've asked. Time to hold up your side of the bargain!
    The Baron: Not yet! We haven't done the official reading of the Valentines!
    Ruler: What's "the official reading of the Valentines"?
    The Baron: A ceremony where I sit on a chair at the top of a tower.
    All people of the land gather below, and read messages of their love and respect!
    I trust you have many Valentines prepared for me?
    Ruler: *sigh*
    (baron>I recommend you send word far and wide that my finest admirers are invited to express their feelings of love and respect!
    The Serenade *spread the word 50 times- visit neighbors kingdoms and tap hearts & ask friends for 30 Valentines- tell them to be brutally honest?
    (baron>Are you ready? Let the Valentine readings begin!) *Absorption Crystal unlocked

    The Baron: So, are you ready to recite all the Valentines from my loving subjects?
    Ruler: Yep! Got them all right here!
    The Baron: Alright, you may begin when ready. Read the first Valentine!
    Ruler: "Dear Baron Pfeffernot, I am writing this from the jail you threw me into."
    "I miss you! I wish you were right here beside me! In jail."
    The Baron: What?! Read the next one!
    Ruler: "Dear Baron Pfeffernot. Roses are red, violets are blue..."
    "Skunkupines stink, and so do you. Happy Valentine's Day."
    The Baron: Of all the impertinence! On to the next one! Quickly!
    Ruler: "Dearest Baron, I really want to tell you how you've improved my life and how I love you..."
    The Baron: This is more like it!
    Ruler: "but you haven't, so I can't."
    The Baron: Blast it! That stupid court magician! The spell didn't make people love me at all!
    Ruler: So, will you finally tell me how to get rid of it?
    (baron>Oh, very well! The love magic can only be absorbed by special stones designed for that purpose.
    I will show you how to construct them.
    The Love Solution *construct an Absorption Crystal*
    (baron>That crystal should serve to absorb the "Love Magic" in the woods.)

    The Baron: If you intend to send your knights on this errand, you can't feed them any old slop.
    Rather, you should feed them a slightly higher grade of slop!
    I suggest old cabbages, maybe some snouts. Any moss you can find would be great.
    Ruler: Yeah, how about "no?" Let's set our sights a little higher.
    We'll give them a treat to show that we care. Lots of chocolate, and plenty of milk!
    (baron>Chocolate, you say... I think I might...hand you prepare this feast.
    Just to sample the goods. For quality, you understand.
    A Loving Feast *prepare a Valentine Feast - a sweet gesture! *
    (baron>They won't mind if I eat a few of these before I leave)

    LIFTING THE SPELL: after The Love Solution completed
    Ruler: How exactly are these Absorption Crystals used?
    The Baron: The crystals will absorb the magic, and all should be back to normal.
    Ask your brave Knights to venture into the woods, each holding a crystal.
    You *do* have brave knights, don't you? All the best rulers have them!
    (baron>Not only will this remove the Love Magic, but our knights may find other items of interest on their adventure!
    Lifting The Spell *send Knights to Dispel The Love Magic - you will need a Castle to do this*
    (baron>Spell removed! The woods should return to normal in time.)

    The Baron: You have to admit this - while it lasted, the spell did encourage people to love.
    Ruler: Maybe, but do you understand yet why you can't just force people to love?
    The Baron: I've learned an important lesson.
    Gifts, flowers and chocolates are nice, it's true...
    ...but they have no meaning without something true and special behind them.
    Ruler: Now you're getting it!
    The Baron: And that something is... commerce!
    Doing stuff just out of kindness is for nuns and beet farmers!
    Ruler: You're completely hopeless.
    (baron>Add to the caravan by tapping the "Load" button on each entry.
    We'll spread the profitable romance throughout the land!.
    The Love Caravan *Load the wagon with -
    love wood, love stone, kissing dust, pink furs & ask for 50 Good Vibes from friends*
    (baron> Caravan away!)
    continued on next post
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-16-14 at 03:34 PM. Reason: 1st edit

  2. #22
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    C14 VALENTINES EDITION continued

    Old Thomas & Agnes

    Ruler: Hey, Thomas. Now that the love spell is lifted, I thought I would check on you.
    OT: I feel much improved. Though I am a bit embarrassed.
    I haven't behaved like that since I was a student!
    Ruler: You were in love with someone when you were a student?
    Oh, yes. Her name was Agnes. She was a library assistant and scholar.
    We stayed many late nights in the library, and shared notes and research.
    I was studying the weather, and she was working to become a chemist.
    Ruler: When did you know you were in love with her?
    OT: With Agnes? Almost immediately. But I didn't tell her. I was very shy.
    One day, I thought I could predict the weather would be clear! I told her:
    "Agnes, leave your umbrella at home! I'm sure it will be sunny and mild."
    So, she did. And it rained all morning. She got soaked on the way in!
    Ruler: Oh, no! Was she angry?
    OT: No. She was more worried about me feeling bad for my research failing.
    Ruler: That's very sweet.
    OT: As the rain cleared, we sat on the library steps and watched a rainbow appear.
    For the first time, she squeezed my hand, and I squeezed back.
    She said "Thomas, from now on, if there's a rainbow, let's watch it together."
    Ruler: That's very romantic. Is that when you became a couple?
    OT: Oh, we never became a couple.
    Ruler: What? But it seems like you liked each other so much!
    OT: We did. I think. But she was busy with her research, and I with mine...
    Eventually she moved away to continue her studies.
    Ruler: Did you ever tell her how you felt? That you loved her?
    OT: No. I almost did, just as she was leaving. But...I couldn't get up the nerve.
    Ruler: Thomas! You should write her a letter!
    (OT>A letter to Agnes? It's been nearly 40 years! I don't know if she would even remember me, or where to send it.
    Unless...the library might have some information, I suppose. A Letter To Agnes
    *search lv.3 library-better library, better records & ask other rulers-send 10 messenger pigeons-choose places where Agnes might be*
    (OT>I think I've found a record of Agnes- recent research that includes an address.)

    OT: Are you sure about this? I'm quite nervous.
    Ruler: Don't worry, Thomas. I'm sure she'll love to hear from you.
    OT: I've read all my scrolls with information on relationships.
    They indicate that I should enclose a gift, and try to be romantic.
    Ruler: Do your scrolls know that she hasn't seen you in forty years?
    (OT>Perhaps if we prepare a very nice gift basket. I could include the letter with it.
    My research indicates that should go over well! The Letter, Part 1
    *pay -prepare gift basket, add red & purple petals -colourful & fragrant, add 1 box of chocolates*
    (OT>Gift basket away. I'm very nervous about her reply.)

    OT: I was hoping you'd stop by. A while ago, I got a letter back from Agnes!
    Ruler: Oh, that's great! What did it say?
    OT: I don't know! I haven't opened it!
    Ruler: What? Thomas, you have to open it!
    OT: I know, I know. I'm just very nervous about what she's written.
    Ruler: Thomas, it'll be ok. I promise.
    OT: Very well. I suppose I knew you'd say that. Here goes nothing...

    "Dear Thomas,
    I'm happy to hear from you after all of these years. I'm glad you are well.
    The perfumed flower petals made me sneeze. And the chocolate is a bit much for my digestion at this age.
    Did a scroll tell you to send those things? They seem unlike you.
    No matter what you've sent, it's your kindness I remember. And the rainbow.
    Sincerely and with heartfelt well-wishes,

    Ruler: Telescope parts? It really IS a match made in heaven.
    OT: But, she didn't like the flowers and chocolates!
    Ruler: That's because you're not being *you*! Write her back and just be yourself!
    (OT> You're right! Agnes never was one to care for chocolates and flowers. Instead, I'll send her some things she can really use!
    The Letter, Part 2 *send silver ore focusing mirrors, iron ore for bracing, jewels for light refraction *
    (OT>If I know her, she'll make good use of these materials!)

    OT: Oh, hello there! I got another letter back from Agnes!
    Ruler: That's terrific news. I hope you managed to read it immediately this time.
    OT: I did. Take a look!

    "Dear Thomas,
    Thank you for your thoughtful gift of telescope parts. I'll have it built soon.
    I may not get around as well as I once did, but I can still turn a wrench!
    Do you remember all those nights together in the library? I surely do.
    As proud as I am of my work, I wonder what life would have been like if we had made more time for other things?
    Who knows? Perhaps there's still time.
    Dearly yours, Agnes."

    OT: Hold on, there's a post-script.
    "PS: I've enclosed a list of several old books I need for a collection.
    Do you still know your way around a library?"

    OT: Then she wrote some manner of strange runic symbol below that.
    Ruler: Runic symbol? ... Thomas, that's a smiley face.
    OT: Oh, Of course.
    (OT>This list of books contains some rarities. She always was fond of reading. Perhaps I could track some of them down?
    The Letter, Part 3 * find & enclose 5 Old Books- more advanced libraries drop these* (OT>I'll send her another letter, and the books.)

    Ruler: Hey there Thomas. Is that another letter?
    OT: Yes, I just now received it.
    Ruler: What does it say?

    "Dear Thomas,
    Thank you so much for the books! I've already read two of them.
    In doing so I stumbled onto some interesting research!
    I have an idea, but I'll need some Glimmerdust to make it work.
    And I was thinking perhaps, if you can bear such a long journey by wagon
    You might be interested in working on this experiment together.
    I always felt something was left unfinished between us. Work, or otherwise.
    It'd be worth it just to hear what you've been up to these last 40 years!
    Yours, Agnes."

    OT: Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh...she's invited me to visit! What do I do?
    Ruler: Well, what do you want to do?
    OT: I...I don't know!
    Of course I'd like to see her and tell her that know.
    But it's many weeks by wagon. And I've sworn to aid you as Royal Scholar!
    Ruler: Thomas, I release you from your promise to stay. Don't let that keep you.
    If you love her, you should go to her.
    (OT>I'm not sure what I should do. Let me think about it while we gather the Glimmerdust she's requested.
    In either case, she should have that. The Letter, Part 4 *prepare a package of 50 Glimmerdust - Agnes needs it for research*
    (OT>We have the dust. I suppose it's time to decide. To stay, or to go...)

    *Old Thomas writes letter to Agnes*

    Dear Agnes,
    I'm happy to know that your interest in science hasn't dimmed with the years.
    A package of Glimmerdust has been included with this letter.
    I have faith you will make good use of it. Knowing you, it's faith well-placed.
    ...I haven't forgotten the rainbow. Or how we held hands that day.
    That memory has colored my every rainbow these last forty years.
    ...Yet, I cannot travel to you now.
    I've met an extraordinary young person. A ruler, kind and wise.
    This young monarch has the qualities needed to one day rule all these lands.
    And in aiding this new friend of mine, I have found extraordinary purpose.
    With the evil Baron scheming for the throne, the time is crucial. I cannot leave.
    ...Forty years ago when you paused in that doorway, I said nothing.
    But I should have said "I love you Agnes, with all my heart."
    I hope you will carry that with you now.
    Best wishes, Your Tom.

    OT: ...
    Ruler: Thomas, are you here?
    OT: Oh, yes! I was just preparing this package.
    Ruler: Have you decided if you'll make the trip to see Agnes?
    OT: Not right now. Three weeks in a wagon is too much for these old bones.

    OT: ... (There is a letter stuck in Old Thomas' mailbox.)
    "Dear Thomas,
    I love you too. - Agnes"

    >"PS: I've enclosed a magic formula. Take it and you'll never be without a rainbow again."
    Agnes' Rainbow *take the Magic Formula* (OT>A formula to create...rainbows? That's my Agnes! Brilliant as ever!

    Royal Proclamation!

    Event Ending
    Our Valentine's Day event
    Has come to an end.

    Thanks for participating!

    Existing Love Shacks may
    still be used to access
    Valentine's Day content.

    Last edited by Dabag; 05-16-14 at 03:33 PM.

  3. #23
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    C15 Trials & Tribute

    Thurston: The world must know your might and kindness! You should submit to the trials.
    By proving your worth and renown, you may earn a full cavalry with a Knights' Hall!
    Thurston> What are the Trials? Oh, just these small matters.
    You'll know them when you finish them: You get a badge showing your prowess.

    Ruler: Whew! That was a lot of adventuring.
    Thurston: Yes! You have shown you are a leader of knights!
    You have passed the Adventurer's Trial!

    Ruler: Wow, I've never brewed more potions in my life.
    Thurston: My liege, you have as much knowledge as strength!
    You have passed the Brewer's Trial!

    Ruler: So many feasts! Wow.
    Thurston: Indeed! Feasts fit for a ruler!
    You have passed the Chef's Trial!

    Ruler: I've been making a LOT of building materials.
    Thurston: Of course! You are building your kingdom with your very hands!
    You have passed the Artisan's Trial!

    Ruler: I'm pretty pleased with all these crops I've been growing lately.
    Thurston: As you should be! A ruler feeds people and works the land!
    You have passed the Farmer's Trial!

    Ruler: That's a heck of a lot of watering.
    Thurston: Yes! You have made things grow from the land, just as your lands will grow!
    You have passed the Nurturer's Trial!

    Ruler: Collecting from mines is tough work.
    Thurston: Work you have successfully vanquished, my mighty liege!
    You have passed the Miner's Trial!

    Ruler: Wow, I've really explored a lot of the Glimmer Woods.
    Thurston: A true leader must know the land they lead!
    You have passed the Explorer's Trial!

    Ruler: I am buying and selling like crazy!
    Thurston: No, not insanity. LEADERSHIP! My liege, you have provided for us all!
    You have passed the Trader's Trial!

    Ruler: How many monsters ARE there around here?
    Thurston: Not as many as there used to be, my liege!
    You have passed the Slayer's Trial!

    Thurston> Zounds, you are mighty!
    Complete set of Badges will Unlock the Knights Hall, you still have to build it
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-16-14 at 09:50 AM.

  4. #24
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    C16 Princess Sabina Faire Pre-requisites

    IVY: Hey hey! I've got some news.
    Ruler: What is it, Ivy?
    IVY: I've discovered a way to grow Cocoa plants in the Glimmerwood!

    (ivy>The soil here is filled with magic. I had to tweak the seeds a bit to get them to sprout.
    It took a while, but I figured it out. I bet Cocoa Beans will be useful for all sorts of things!
    Cuckoo For Cocoa Crops *try out new crop* ivy>That's a big ol' haul of Cocoa Beans!)

    IVY: With these Cocoa Beans, we can finally make Chocolate!
    Ruler: I could have sworn we could make chocolate before?
    IVY: Do you want to depend on pink cows for the rest of your life?
    Ruler: Point taken.

    (ivy>The recipe for making chocolate is pretty simple. Just use up those Cocoa Beans we harvested!
    Natural Chocolate *make chocolate* ivy>Urgh...I ate too much?)

    IVY: Now it's time for Ivy's good ol' fashioned chocolate cake recipe!
    Ruler: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "no skunk" and 10 being "all skunk"...
    ... how much skunk does this recipe have in it?

    IVY: Sheesh! You all act like I put skunk in everything!
    Ruler: ...
    IVY: Alright, alright. We'll do the non-skunk version.

    (ivy>Flour, chocolate, sugar...come help me stir this, then we'll fire it into the oven!
    You can handle the icing while I make us a treat to go with it.
    Bake Me A Cake * make 2 cakes & 2 ice creams*
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-13-14 at 10:13 AM.

  5. #25
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    C16 Princess Sabina Faire pg.2
    When history is old enough, it becomes legend. Read the legend...find the answers.

    The Baron: The noises in the Glimmer Wood are getting WORSE.
    Ruler: What is it now? Not Thurston again...
    The Baron: Singing! Spooky, ethereal, beautiful singing!

    (baron>I don't like it at all. It's making me feel feelings.
    1. A Mysterious Song *find the mysterious singing-we can't have the Baron feeling things.*
    baron>There! The singing!) *expand to the girl with the tangled tresses*

    Girl: Is someone there? I hear footsteps!
    Are you a fire-breathing dragon? Here to eat me?
    Ruler: No, I'm not a dragon. Why would you think that?
    Girl: It's in all my books! If a princess gets trapped, there's often a dragon!
    Ruler: Weren't my footsteps a little soft for a great big dragon?
    Girl: I thought you were a really tiny one! The tiny ones are extra mean!
    Ruler: Alright, well- let me help you get untangled. That's quite a head of hair!
    Girl: It won't work. Mine is no ordinary hair. It's always been tough to handle!
    Ruler: It's ok- if I just separate these knots... Hmm? It's like pulling on steel. I didn't expect that.
    Girl: I told you! I'm trapped by my own tresses! Locked away by my locks!
    Stranded by strands and curtailed by curls!
    Ruler: Ok, ok-stay calm. I'll try to figure something out.
    Girl: Wait! Before you start thinking too hard?

    (girl>Could I trouble you for some food? I've been rooted here for days and I'm just about to faint from hunger.
    2. Hungry For Freedom *give - cabbages, hearty stew, breaded fish. (girl>Umm...what's this?)

    Ruler: It's food. We've got some stew, fish, and...
    Girl: But I've never seen cakes like these before! And they smell so strange!
    Ruler: "Cakes like these?" Just who *are* you, anyway? What's your name?
    Girl: My name is Sabina. Princess Sabina, actually. Princess Sabina Faire.
    Sorry for not telling you my name sooner. It's my first time. I forgot.
    Ruler: Your first time what?
    Sabina: My first time meeting another person!
    Ruler: Wait. Like, *ever*? Where were you before you came her?
    Sabina: In my tower, of course. I spent every day there. This is my first time out.
    I have to tell you, it's not working out very well so far!

    Ruler: Ok, Sabina. I have a million questions, but first, about this food...
    Sabina: Yes, it's very strange. This chocolate has an uneven texture. And this cake is?
    Ruler: That's not chocolate, it's mutton. And that's not cake, it's fish.
    Sabina: I don't understand. There are foods that aren't chocolate and cake?
    Ruler: Well, yeah. You uh... you've never tried any of this stuff?
    Sabina: ...
    Ruler: I guess not. Listen, I know you're scared. I'm going to try to help you.

    (Sabina>You mean- you could find some food like I had in my tower? It would be so nice to have something familiar!
    3. Discriminating Tastes *give - cake, strawberries *(Sabina>That looks more like the food I recognize! It even smells right!)

    Ruler: Now that starvation has been avoided, we can work on getting you loose.
    Sabina: Yes. I'm afraid my hair seems to have taken on a mind of it's own!
    It happened all of a sudden, as I was exploring this wood.
    Ruler: This isn't the first strange thing to happen in the Glimmer Wood.
    Hmm... even if I pull with all my might, the strands won't separate. Sabina, we may need to take drastic measures.
    Sabina: You mean like... a harsh shampoo?
    Ruler: Not quite. We may need to cut some of these strands to set you free.
    Sabina: But-but...but...I can't lose my hair! It's the only reason I'm here in the first place!
    Ruler: Not all of it. Just enough to get you loose.

    (Sabina>I've been brushing and styling this hair since I was just a little girl. It hasn't been cut in nearly sixteen years. Isn't there some other way?
    4. Cutting Loose *forge new Longswords, saw hair slowly, chop carefully, swing wildly*
    (Sabina>I can't bear to look. Is it working?)

    Ruler: This doesn't seem to be working. In fact, I think all the swords are dull.
    One more swing... nngh! Wow...still not a strand out of place.
    Sabina: I suppose there's nothing to do now but wait for my knight in shining armor!
    Ruler: You have a knight in shining armor?
    Sabina: Well, not *yet*. But whenever a princess is in trouble, one always shows up!
    It's in all my books! I assumed it wasn't you because?
    Ruler: ...No shining armor?
    Sabina: Yes! But I'm sure a knight would solve all of our problems!
    Ruler: Wait, Sabina- what exactly do you know about knights?

    (Sabina>According to "Princess Cordelia And The Dragon", the world is full of knights in shining armor,
    and their main job is saving people! I've read it a thousand times! Maybe you could find a knight?
    5. Chivalrous Methods *ask Thurston to help* (Thurston>My liege! What can I do for thee?)

    Thurston: Ah, my liege! What can I do for thee, on this so fine day?
    Ruler: Hi, Thurston. I could use your help, but you must promise not to be too excited.
    Thurston: Why would you expect I'd get too excited?
    Ruler: I just know you're the sort of person who gets excited by certain challenges.
    Now, do you swear that you'll remain calm and think it through?
    Thurston: Swear an oath? Why, one of my finest talents is to swear and keep oaths!
    For Rule 121 of the Knight's Code says:
    "Break thee no sworn oath, lest ye be tarred and feathered."
    Ruler: Ok, As long as you're sure. This is a difficult problem. I need you level-headed.
    Thurston: Aye! On my word, I shall be steadfast and calm. A citadel of contemplation!
    Ruler: You're *really* sure?
    Thurston: Aye. I'll do nothing rash. We'll plan every move.
    Ruler: You're *really*, *really* sure?
    Thurston: Aye.
    Ruler: Ok. So, here's the deal...
    A princess has wandered into the wood and she's become trapped by-

    Fear not, gentle maiden, for I will rescue thee!
    Ruler: *sigh*

    (thurston has run off rashly. Track him down and explain the situation.
    6. My Hero *track him down-should have know this would happen*
    (thurston>My liege! Let us not tarry here! There's not a moment to lose!)

    Ruler: Thurston! You promised you wouldn't get all excited and run off!
    Thurston: Aye. But...a princess! In distress! My Knightly instincts overcame me.
    Ruler: I suppose there's a rule in the Knight's Code about princesses?
    Thurston: Indeed, more than one! There are forty-seven!
    Ruler; There are *forty-seven* rules about princesses in the Knight's Code?
    Thurston: Aye. And princes. The Knight's Code does not discriminate.
    Rescuing royalty is one of a Knight's most sacred duties!
    Ruler: Alright. I forgive you. But now I really need you to think.
    Our princess is trapped out in the wood. Trapped by her own hair, in fact!
    I tried cutting through it with a sword, but it was no use.

    Thurston: A sword? Surely nay- you'd not cut rope or wood with one. Nor hair, I think.
    A stout axe is what's needed! Weighted and sharpened to a perfect edge!
    Ruler; A stout axe, huh? Is that anything like a stout knight?
    Thurston: Both are better than the non-stout versions! Come, I will show thee.

    (thurston> A Knight's axe must use only the finest iron. The haft must be sturdy.
    It may take time to achieve the keenest edge, but the results will be worth it.
    7. Contrite Knight *forge 3 Stout Axes*
    (thurston>Perfectly crafted! Let's make haste, to release our stranded princes from her bind.)

    Ruler: Thomas, have you ever heard of Princess Sabina Faire?
    OT: Oh, I should say so. An old story from back when I was a child.
    Ruler: Story? What do you mean?
    OT: A fairy tale. Hold on, I'll see if I can find a printing of the story.
    Ruler: This is so odd... ...
    OT: Found it! It's more of a poem, actually. "The Legend Of Princess Faire"!

    (OT>Here, take this scroll with you. Read it when you have time.
    8. The Legend of Princess Faire *take scroll* (OT>Go ahead. It's a good story, though slightly tragic.)

    Now hear the tale of Princess Faire, whose sister's loss her father grieved,
    And swore that to the afterlife his other daughter wouldn't leave.
    He built a magic tower stout in stone and spire and winding stair,
    And at the apex did he seal for all her years the Princess Faire.

    Ruler: (Could the princess in this story really be Sabina?)
    .... (I'll read some more.)

    There she stayed with living dolls and talking books that read themselves,
    As feasts of cake and strawberries were served to her by hidden elves,
    And though she wished for someone else with whom these blessings could be shared,
    Each new day stretched into the next without a friend for Princess Faire.

    Ruler: (A sad story. But how could she be the same person?)

    (OT>That's just the first section. I have the rest of it here somewhere. I'll try to track it down.
    9. Sabina's Tale PART 1*give the scroll back to Thomas*
    (OT>Why are you so interested in this story, all of a sudden?)

    Ruler: I'm back, Sabina. And I've brought the shiniest knight I could fine!
    Thurston: Sir Thurston Allgood, at your service, milady. I shall assist thee!
    Sabina: What are you planning to do with those axes?
    Thurston: These axes are the keys which will release thee from thy prison of golden locks!
    Sabina: Are you sure it's safe, Sir Knight?
    Thurston: I art mostly sure. Worry not!
    Sabina: "Mostly"? But-

    (thurston>Never fear, princess. You will soon be free! The bards will tell stories of this day.
    Now, let us grab this hair near the roots, and strike true!
    10. Cutting It Close *chop away at Sabina's hair - consumes 3 stout axes*
    (thurston>Impossible! It grows back faster than we can chop it away!)
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-13-14 at 10:25 AM.

  6. #26
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    C16 Princess Sabina Faire pg.3

    IVY: Hey, hey! What's with all the gloomy faces? I heard a rumor we have a guest!
    ???not sure but I think I'm missing some dialog here???
    Our gal seems to be having a heck of a bad hair day!

    Ruler: It's pretty clear that brute force isn't going to work
    IVY: I'll say! But just leave it to ol' Ivy! I just had an idea.
    Sometimes when I make rawhide, Skunkupine bristles pile up in my washtub!
    Ruler: I already don't like when this is going...
    IVY: I use a special solvent to dissolve 'em. It'll eat through anything. Especially hair!
    Ruler: Umm...
    IVY: The only bad news is we have to have it sent to us. I can't make it here.
    Ruler: You can't? Why not?
    IVY: Well, it also melts through the bottom of my cauldron.
    Ruler: Riiiiight...
    IVY: Also, I need a new washtub.

    (ivy>Come on, don't look at me like that. What has she got to lose?
    She's stuck tight, and it isn't safe out there in the wood. Let me give this stuff a try! 11.
    Solvent Solutions *ask friends, scatter red & blue petals*
    (ivy>Alright, let's go bust her loose! I'm looking forward to meeting a new friend.)

    OT: I was meaning to tell you, I found the next section of that poem.
    I still don't have all of it, but perhaps you were interested in reading on.
    Ruler: I'm definitely interested. In fact, I'm starting to suspect it's more than a fairy tale.

    (OT>Here it is. Sorry it took me so long. There's so much clutter around here!
    12. The Legend Continues *take part 2 of the legend* (OT>There may be useful information in it.)

    And so the weeks turned into years, each passing day just like the last,
    Throughout the tower she explored, and everywhere her gaze was cast
    No door, no lock, no key- there lay no passage from her father's lair,
    And so behind the unforgiving stone remained the Princess Faire.

    Ruler: (Hmm...despite being in such a magical place, she wanted her freedom.)
    Ruler: (I'll read some more.)

    Her bedroom was atop the spire, a single window peering down,
    Her eyes judged keenly, as she groomed, the fatal distance to the ground,
    She saw with rope it could be done, and conjured that she'd grow her hair,
    And so were filled with azure skies the eager dreams of Princess Faire

    Ruler: (Amazing. She grew her hair long so she could use it to climb down somehow.)
    Ruler: (That explains Sabina's hair. It can't be just a coincidence.)

    (OT>Do you truly believe she could be the girl from this poem? Fascinating!
    13. Sabina's Tale, Part 2 *give scroll back to Thomas* (OT>I'll try to find the ending of the poem as soon as I can!

    Sabina: Who's there? I'm getting lonely out here. Please come back!
    IVY: Wow, you're really tangled up, aren't you? That's a Glimmer Wood curse, alright!
    Sabina: Who are you?
    IVY: The name's Ivy. Me and all my pals are working hard to get you out of this mess.
    I think what's in these vials might just do the trick! Skunk Solvent! A little dab on these tangles and they'll be history.
    Sabina: My poor hair...after so many years of growing it out?
    IVY: Here, bury your nose in these flower petals so you don't pass out from the stink.
    OK, here goes nothing! I'm pouring the solvent. Everyone hold your breath.
    Thurston: Gadzooks! It smells like a troll's undercarriage on a sweltering day!
    OT: Oh dear. It really is a terrible stink, isn't it?
    Sabina: For the first time, I'm sorry I left my tower.
    Ruler: Is there a rule in the Knight's Code that explains what to do about a smell this bad?
    IVY: Bah! Her hair isn't melting away. This curse is super-strong!
    Thurston: Zounds! You mean we had to smell that for nothing?
    Sabina: You all are trying so hard for me...I just want to be free so I can thank you.
    But it just seems like I'm destined to always be locked away.
    Ruler: Don't get down-hearted, Sabina. We won't give up.

    (Sabina>Just please don't leave me alone in the woods, ok? Come talk to me?
    14. Still Caged *reassure Sabina- tell her its going to be ok*
    (Sabina>If you find a way out, I'll be waiting.)

    Ruler to Old Thomas: Have you found the last of the poem yet?
    OT: As a matter of fact, I just uncovered it a few minutes ago.
    Ruler: I'm sure there's some connection between this poem and the girl in the woods.

    (OT>That would be quite amazing, if true. And if its true, it's all the more reason for us to befriend her.
    15. Fate Of A Princess *take part 3 of the legend* (OT>Perhaps this will contain the proof you seek.)


    When her locks had reached a length of head to toe and back again,
    She laid a foot upon the sill and faced into the restless wind,
    But then the stillness was undone by echoes in the tower lair,
    Her fathers voice throughout the halls: "You shall not leave here, Princess Faire."

    Ruler: (In his grief, he wouldn't let her go. Sounds like he discovered her plan.)
    Ruler: (I'll read some more.)

    A fathers gift, her strands of gold- remembrance of her sibling gone,
    Peerless but for one device upon which evening's gleaming shone:
    A wizards firm and grasping hand clutched round a Magic Scissor there,
    And so she leapt into the night. Made free at last, the Princess Faire.

    Ruler: (That's the end. It seems she escaped after all.)
    Ruler: (Hmm...a Magic Scissor...I wonder...)

    (OT> Quite a tale, isn't it? 16. Sabina's Tale, Part 3
    *ask about Magic Scissor - could be the key...*
    (OT>A Magic Scissor? If what you believe about *our* guest is true- it could be worth a try!)

    Ruler: What do you think it would take for us to make Magic Scissors of our own?
    OT: Quite an interesting question! To overcome the spell on Sabina's hair...
    we'd need high quality metals and enchanting materials. It would be difficult, but not impossible.
    Ruler: Now we're getting somewhere!

    (OT>Mithril is the purest, most magically-conductive metal I know. It's the perfect choice.
    We'll need high-quality Iron as wee, and a good deal of pure Enchanter's Essence.
    17. The Magic Scissors *forge the magic scissors*
    (OT>The Scissors are complete! Careful- they're very sharp!)

    Ruler: Sabina, we think we've found a solution.
    Sabina: Scissors?! But I hate scissors! The last pair of scissors I saw-
    Ruler: I know. You just need to trust me. I'm your friend.
    Sabina: You're not going to cut off all my hair and keep me here?
    Ruler: We may have to cut your hair. But whether you stay is up to you. Do you trust me?
    Sabina: Yes. I do.

    (Sabina>Go ahead. Cut it, if you can. I believe in you.
    18. Love And Trust *have the magic scissors, cut Sabina free*
    (Sabina>Oh my gosh! I'm free! I'm really, truly free!)

    Sabina: Finally I'm free! I don't know what I can ever do to repay you.
    Ruler: No payment needed. Rescuing people in this wood is kinda our thing
    Sabina: This is an amazing place. The sights, the sounds, the smells!
    Much better than my stuffy old tower.
    Ruler: You don't have to worry about that anymore. You're free to go wherever you want.
    Sabina: Yes, and I've decided where I want to go!
    Ruler: Oh? Where's that?
    Sabina: Right here! It's got everything I've read about! Castles, gallant knights, magic, danger, adventure!
    Most importantly, it's got other people, to talk and laugh with. I've always wanted that.
    Ruler: Well, we're glad to have you. As ruler, I hereby officially welcome you to my kingdom!
    Sabina: Wow, you're royalty too?
    Ruler: Sorta. Don't worry- I haven't let it go to my head.
    Sabina: Well, you can just call me Sabina. I'm tired of being a Princess. It's nothing but trouble.
    Ruler: Sabina, it's a deal.

    So, um...where will I be staying?
    Ruler: Well, we have cottages, and there are some extra rooms at the Castle...
    Sabina: I see. And what is the magic word to summon your elves to serve meals?
    Ruler: Umm... about that...
    Sabina: Are these cottages made of marble? What sort of tapestries do they have?
    Ruler: I'm afraid we don't have anything that fancy.
    Sabina: Fancy? But it's quite simple! I've read plenty of books about architecture.
    I can show you how to make it exactly right. From memory!
    Ruler: That's ... pretty impressive.
    Sabina: I had a lot of time on my hands.

    (Sabina>My father used some of these building techniques to construct my tower.
    They're not so difficult, it the materials can be found. Here, let me show you.
    19. Strictly Ornamental *craft-ornate block & beam, magic cement-unbreakable once set*
    (Sabina> Great! All the luxury of my tower, without the inconvenience of being stuck for eternity!) *unlocks adventure*
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-13-14 at 10:32 AM.

  7. #27
    Executive Chef
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    C16 Princess Sabina Faire pg.4

    Sabina: Hey, come look at this! I drew up some building plans for a nice cozy little cottage!
    Ruler: That was fast! You're certainly not wasting any time now that you're free.
    Sabina: Having my own place to call home is something I always dreamed of.
    My tower was fancy and magical, but it was more like a prison.
    Many nights, I went to sleep dreaming of what life would be like in my own house.
    I envisioned the kitchen, the entryway, the roof, the garden?
    It was nice to escape into my imagination, if only for a little while.
    That's why I want to have my dream home here, in your kingdom.
    Ruler: Can I, uh...see those building plans? ...
    "Marble fountain in courtyard, topiary archway, second-floor spire with trellis..."
    Well, it might take some time, but... wait, what's this?
    "Capstone on northern foundation shall be the Heart of the Sands."
    What's the Heart of the Sands?

    Sabina: It's a huge ruby cut into the shape of a heart! There's only one in the world!
    Ruler: And assumed we'd just have something like that laying around?
    Sabina: No, but I know where it is. I read all about it the Heart of the Sands when I was a girl.
    Ruler: You're pretty resourceful for someone who was stuck in a tower her whole life.
    Sabina: Thanks!

    (Sabina>The Heart of the Sands is buried in a shrine across the desert, to the south.
    If you could send someone there, I'm sure they could find it using my directions.
    20. Heart of the Sands *send knights, obtain The Heart Of The Sands*
    (Sabina>That's it, the Heart of the Sands! My house will be perfect.)

    Thurston: My liege! To brave the desert will be an adventure, but one peril looms for our knights.
    Ruler: What's that?
    Thurston: The sweltering heat! An overheated knight is in no condition to explore or fight!
    Instead they will be slow, and laughed at, and called "Sir Sweaty".
    Ruler: You know this from...experience, I take it?
    Thurston: ... Mayhap.

    (thurston>The knights would surely sing thy praises if the forges were put to work crafting suitable desert armor.
    Treat the metal with Troll Essence, which will absorb the heat. 21. Overheated *forge light armor*
    (thurston>This armor breathes very well. 'Tis suited to the desert swelter!)

    Sabina: Time to get building. I can't wait to move in!
    Once the house is ready, the first thing I'm going to do is invite everyone for tea!
    It'll be my first tea party where the other guests weren't dolls!

    (Sabina>Now, let's make sure to follow the plans exactly, and then place the capstone.
    This is the first time in my life I've been able to have something just my own!
    22. Sabina's House *place & build Sabina's House*
    (Sabina> Home sweet home! This is the happiest day of my life. Thank you so much!)

    IVY: I went by Sabina's house. She was just sitting there with her hairbrush, looking uncertain.
    I think she's been brushing her hair for hours each day for so long...
    She doesn't know what to do now that it's gone!
    Ruler: Poor Sabina. Do you think we can help her?
    IVY: I was thinking we could give her, her hair back!
    Ruler: Really? How?
    IVY: A lot of help! I wrote up a proclamation for you to read:
    Ruler: "Hear ye, hear ye? by royal command all blondes must proceed to the Castle."
    IVY: Hmm...I didn't realize how that might sound when I wrote it.
    Ruler: Well, your heart is in the right place, at least.

    (ivy>Let's send a *properly-worded* message to our neighboring kingdoms
    and see if they can lend us a hand. Or a hair, rather.
    23. Wigging Out *ask for 75 hair donations- for a big ol' wig!!*
    (ivy>Look at this huge pile of hair! Now, I just have to connect it all together?)

    Sabina: SO...I couldn't help but notice Ivy trying to secretly piece together a giant blonde wig.
    IVY: Heh! Guess we're busted! I was hoping to surprise you.
    Sabina: You've been so sweet to me. I should give you something in return.
    Ruler: You don't have to-
    [Sabina hands you bank notes worth 100,000 Coins!]
    Sabina: 100,000 Coins!? I'm sorry. Is it not enough?
    Ruler: It's way too much! I can't accept this.

    (Sabina>Oh, don't worry. Father had a lot of coins that were kept in trust for me.
    There's plenty more where that came from.
    24. A Grateful Princess * accept the gift- she's loaded!*
    (Sabina>As for the wig, it's probably best that I get used to my new haircut. But thank you.)

    Sabina: Oh, my first visitor! This is exciting.
    Ruler: No visitors back at the old tower, huh?
    Sabina: Well, I did have *one*. But I don't know if it counts.
    In fact, that "visitor" is why I came to the Glimmer Wood!
    Ruler: Oh yeah? What sort of visitor was it?
    Sabina: I used to sing at my window every night, to keep the blues away.
    Sometimes, a flying creature would approach the tower and circle, listening.
    It was a great winged beast with a scorpion tail, and the body of a lion!
    Ruler: That sound dangerous!
    Sabina: I'm sure it was. But I sensed a gentleness about it, too.
    I think it was lonely and wanted to hear someone singing. Lonely, like me.
    After a few years, suddenly as it has appeared, it stopped visiting.
    Still, occasionally when I would sing, I'd hear a beast's cry on the wind.
    Ruler: And the cry came from this direction?
    Sabina: Yes. I think my old visitor is somewhere in this wood.
    Here, take this. If we find him, he'll recognize you as a friend.
    *Sabina gave you the [Jewelled Talon] !

    (Sabina>I saw a rock spire to north that seems a logical home for a big, flying beast.
    Don't worry-I'm sure he'll recognize me. 25. A Cry In The Night
    *find and expand to The Forgotten Roost, go to the roost with Sabina*
    (Sabina>Ah, there's the spire! Hold on tight to the Jewelled Talon.)

    Ruler: It looks...there's a nest up there, but I can't see what's in it.
    Sabina: Hold on, I'm going to try singing, just like I used to.
    ... Laaaa-la-lala. Lalala-laaaa, la-la...
    [Sabina sings a mournful, beautiful song.]
    ruler: I think there's something stirring up there!

    (Sabina>Should I keep singing?
    26. Sabina s Song *have Sabina continue her song*
    (Sabina> Laa-la-la-la! La-la? Oh, something is happening! Look!)

    Ruler: Something rolled off the top! It's ... an egg?
    Sabina: So that's why it stopped visiting. It was building a nest?
    Poor thing. Something bad must have befallen it, if it left it's egg alone.
    Ruler: What should we do now? There's no way to get the egg back up there.
    Sabina: Without the warmth of its mother, it'll never hatch.
    Ruler: Well, we can't sit on it ourselves, but I have an idea.
    We have a Magic Forge that gets pretty toasty. We could incubate it there.

    (Sabina>It's worth a try! We'll build it a little crucible and keep it safe until it hatches.
    27. A Mysterious Egg *use the magic forge to incubate the egg- find out what's inside!*
    (Sabina>Oh, how cute! Oh! But watch out for his little stinger!) -baby manticore hatches!

    Sabina: I'm going to call him "Little Manty", the Manticore.
    Thurston: What's this? Monsters within our hallowed kingdom walls!?
    To arms! Someone, slay that beast, quickly!
    Ruler: Thurston! It's just a baby!
    Thurston: But... 'tis a fearsome creature! Manticores have devoured many a knight!
    IVY: Oh, come on. Look at how cute he is, poking his little tail around!
    Thurston: Cute? It's about to stab thee to death!
    Ruler: It looks like it's hungry.
    Thurston: Surely thou art not thinking of feeding that beast!

    (Sabina>I promise you, Sir Knight "Little Manty" wouldn't hurt a fly. Can't you sense the gentleness in him?
    28. Little Manty *raise Little Manty to adult-feed* (Sabina>Look who's all grown up!)

    End of Quest
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-13-14 at 10:37 AM.

  8. #28
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011

    Now hear the tale of Princess Faire, whose sisters loss her father grieved,
    And swore that to the afterlife his other daughter wouldn't leave.
    He built a magic tower stout in stone and spire and winding stair,
    And at the apex did he seal for all her years the Princess Faire.

    There she stayed with living dolls and talking books that read themselves,
    As feasts of cake and strawberries were served to her by hidden elves,
    And though she wished for someone else with whom these blessings could be shared,
    Each new day stretched into the next without a friend for Princess Faire.

    And so the weeks turned into years, each passing day just like the last,
    Throughout the tower she explored, and everywhere her gaze was cast
    No door, no lock, no key - there lay no passage from her father's lair,
    And so behind the unforgiving stone remained the Princess Faire.

    Her bedroom was atop the spire, a single window peering down,
    Her eyes judged keenly, as she groomed, the fatal distance to the ground,
    She saw with rope it could be done, and conjured that she'd grow her hair,
    And so were filled with azure skies the eager dreams of Princess Faire

    When her locks had reached a length of head to toe and back again,
    She laid a foot upon the sill and faced into the restless wind,
    But then the stillness was undone by echoes in the tower lair,
    Her fathers voice throughout the halls: You shall not leave here, Princess Faire.

    A fathers gift, her strands of gold - remembrance of her sibling gone,
    Peerless but for one device upon which evenings gleaming shone:
    A wizards firm and grasping hand clutched round a Magic Scissor there,
    And so she leapt into the night. Made free at last, the Princess Faire.
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-13-14 at 10:39 AM.

  9. #29
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011

    Royal Proclamation!
    A Dragon Egg has been
    spotted at the Forgotten Roost!
    Can you figure out how
    to hatch it?


    Ruler: I've never seen an egg like THAT before.
    Maybe Thomas knows what to do with it?

    OT: Oh! How thrilling! That's a DRAGON egg!
    Ruler: Wait, where did it come from?
    OT: I'm not sure! Dragons have not graced the Glimmerwood for years.
    Ruler: Okay! Let's hatch this egg, Thomas! ...How do you hatch an egg?
    OT: I've got a set of Encyclopedia Bestiary somewhere in the Library.
    Ruler: Great! Let's go to the Library!
    OT: No! It's a bit, ah, messy. I'll look - I'll give them to you as I find them.

    (OT>I promise to let you know when I find the correct tome!
    How Clean is your Library *find 10 volumes of Encyclopedia Bestiary*
    OT>Here we are! "On Care And Feeding Of Dragons."

    OT: It's going to take some time for me to find the right passage...
    Sabina: Oh, that's fine! I know exactly what to do!
    Ruler: ...Are you sure, Sabina? How do you know so much about dragons?
    Sabina: It's probably not different than any other baby, and I read about babies in my books.

    (Sabina>Once we're ready, this egg will hatch in no time! Hatching a Plan
    *give, boil, warm* Sabina>Nothing. But we did everything right!

    Thurston: Excuse the intrusion, my liege, but I heard there is a DRAGON?! I will -
    Ruler: No, Thurston, you won't. Relax. It's just an egg.
    Thurston: Perhaps I can be of assistance? I can crack that egg and free the Dragon!
    Ruler: That would actually be pretty useful, Thurston. What did you have in mind?

    (thurston>I need a net! And some Hides. Cracking the Case *hides & whisper weight net*
    thurston>This will be my most valiant effort yet!

    Thurston: I have crafted a landing zone for the dragon, once the egg is cracked -
    Ruler: Wait, LANDING ZONE?
    Thurston: Yes! We shall launch the egg in my catapult, and it will crack.
    Ruler: Are you sure the dragon won't get hurt?

    (thurston>That's what the net is for! Shell Game
    *launch Egg -thinks it will be fine* thurston>On the count of three! One, Two -

    Sabina: STOP RIGHT THIS SECOND! That poor egg!
    Thurston: My lady! The shell is so strong, I am sure -
    Sabina: If you're so sure, why don't YOU ride in the catapult?!
    Ruler: Actually, a test might be a good idea. What would be a good substitute?

    (Sabina>We need something roundish, I think... Cruelty to Cabbages
    *cabbages -make sure it's safe* thurston>Okay, perhps that idea was not... sound.

    Ruler: Well, that could have gone better
    Thurston: I am certain I can crack the egg if you give me another chance, my liege.
    I am a knight! Dragons are clearly my purview.
    Ruler: Okay, Thurston. What do you need? No catapults this time.

    (thurston>Hmm...My sword is getting blunt fast. Hack And Slash
    *Longswords -they go blunt pretty easily* thurston>WHAT IS THIS EGG MADE OF?!

    OT: I found what we're looking for! Well... Sort of.
    In order to hatch the dragon, we need an incubator. And a Fiery Potion. I don't know the ingredients, though.
    Ruler: There has to be a library SOMEWHERE that has the information we need.

    (OT>Ask your friends to send word if they find anything in their kingdoms!
    Incubation Plans *ask for Library Records* OT>We're ready now!

    OT: Hmm, this is quite interesting. We need an incubator and a Fiery Potion.
    Ruler: Doesn't sound too hard. What's involved?
    OT: The incubator needs Golden Fleece for the nest, and Diamond Glass for warmth.
    Ruler: Okay, but how do you make Diamond Glass?
    OT: With a Diamond, of course. And the potion requires a Burning Ember.
    Ruler: I can get a Diamond from the Deep Mine, but a Burning Ember?

    (OT>Send your knights to the Desert Sands on an adventure. Raw Materials
    *find large diamond-deep mine, golden fleece-sheep, burning ember-desert sands adv.* OT> We're ready now!

    Ruler: Okay. Are we all ready?
    IVY: I've got the recipe for the Fiery Potion up in the Potion Shop!
    OT: The Magic Forge is heated and ready to make Diamond Glass.
    Thurston: I'm - Um, why am I here? I am happy to serve, of course -
    Sabina: We need your helmet for the incubator, my good knight.
    Thurston: This is highly unusual, my lady.
    Ruler: Come on, Thurston. It's not like you use it!

    (thurston>I am happy to serve, as I said. A Noble Nest
    *use diamond glass, golden fleece, fiery potion, borrow helmet, use dragon egg*
    Sabina>It's so beautiful! Welcome to the world, little dragon!

    Last edited by Dabag; 05-13-14 at 10:50 AM.

  10. #30
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    c18 Poof & Gone
    (fractured memories, stolen necklace)


    Old Thomas: Oh dear... Why, I just saw it here a moment ago!
    Ruler: What's wrong, Thomas? You look flustered.
    Old Thomas: It seems I have lost scroll J971. I turned my back and then poof! Gone!
    Ruler: Are you sure? You're pretty disorganized, maybe it's just misplaced.
    Old Thomas: I hope so. Shall we check the Library and my home?
    Ruler: Yes, let's!

    (Old Thomas>Well, this is a bummer.. I lost my scroll! Won't you help me find it?)
    Poof And Gone! Old Thomas>No luck at all.)

    IVY: Hey! I saw that! Come back here, thief!
    Ruler: Did you say, thief? What did the thief take?
    IVY: I was making a delicious Skunkupine sandwich for lunch when someone stole my bread!
    Ruler: No one steals in this Kingdom!
    IVY: I guess it's time to start over.
    Ruler: I'll give you a hand, it'll be fun.

    (IVY>That's a bummer. Someone stole my bread.
    Let's make a fresh batch for my delicious Skunkupine sandwich!
    Bread Thief IVY>Maybe it's a hungry thief.)

    *Hey! I'm missing some chickens!
    Chickens?! Try missing a family pick-axe!

    Ruler: Looks like our thief isn't just hungry. Hmm.. What's the best way to catch a thief?
    Old Thomas: I know! How about we retrace their steps!
    Though now that I think about it, I don't even know where they started.

    (IVY>Maybe Old Thomas is onto something. let's try circling around the Kingdom for something suspicious.
    Blind Leading Blind IVY> Something doesn't feel right ...)

    Ruler: I'm missing the necklace I was wearing the day I arrived here ...
    The Baron: Oh? You too?
    Ruler: What are you doing here?
    The Baron: Hah, isn't someone a wet cat. I heard the news delivered by my favorite crow. Is your Kingdom ok?
    Ruler: I don't trust anyone who receives news by crows.
    The Baron: Why the mean face, friend. I only want to help.
    Ruler: You can help by returning back to where you came from!
    The Baron: That would be the beautiful golden throne.
    Ruler: ...
    The Baron: Now, why don't you tell your King what you lost?
    Ruler: I lost the necklace I was wearing the day you dropped me off here.
    The Baron: You were wearing a necklace? What did it look like? When did you lose it?
    Ruler: It's a locket that I could never open, so I stopped wearing it and kept it in my desk.
    What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.

    (IVY>Baron looks like he's seen a ghostly Skunkupine!
    I wonder if we can bribe him into talking a little more.
    Missing Locket *maybe he'll start talking if I distract him*
    IVY> Nope, he didn't t buy it.)

    Ruler: Wow. You re not at all excited for expensive things? Are you possessed?
    The Baron: Nothing will calm me until that necklace is found! There will be a royal decree for it!
    Ruler: That's nice of you to care this much, but I'm sure it'll turn up eventually.
    The Baron: Pah! It's not for you! It's for me!
    Ruler: But its MY necklace. What do you want it for?
    The Baron: Child, child, its best you not know. Or remember for that matter. Forget you had it.
    Ruler: I don't like the sound of this.
    The Baron: Stay away from that necklace, OR ELSE you'll see a side of me you won't like.
    Ruler: I'm going to find it before you, just you watch.
    The Baron: Not a chance! I have a grand reward for the necklace. It's as good as mine!

    (IVY>Do you remember anything about that necklace? It has to be pretty darn special if he will give up gold for it!
    Baron Rejecting Gifts?! IVY> No luck yet?)

    Old Thomas: As your royal council I suggest we find the importance of this necklace.
    Ruler: I've tried opening the locket in the past . . nothing worked.
    IVY: I have the perfect potion recipe that can help us! It's a perfectly good potion it's a vitamin, pretty much.
    Ruler: But ... ?
    IVY: But . . it has a side effect of going into a deep sleep where you recall old memories.
    Ruler: This is really complex.
    IVY: Yep. You're drinking a potion in hopes of receiving the bad side effect.
    Ruler: Life the Glimmerwood is never boring with you guys.

    (IVY> Hey! A girl can't do it all alone! Help me out with the ingredients!
    Ignore the Disclaimer *these faeries will guide you in your sleep*
    IVY> I like to sip this potion every morning!)

    Ruler: You sure? It smells funky.
    IVY: Yep. I drink this every morning for my daily vitamins! I mean, c'mon!
    Just look at my hair and skin! This is au naturale!
    Ruler: I guess she looks pretty radiant. Alright. Baron! Here's to you not finding the necklace before me!
    Old Thomas: Safe travels into dreamland! I'll be right here when you return from your deep slumber.

    (Old Thomas>I'll be here when you wake up from your slumber!
    Deep Slumber *ruler drinks the Recall Potion*
    Old Thomas> Relax and fall asleep, we're here.)

    *Ruler is sleeping and these are the fractured memories*

    *thump . . thump . . CRASH*
    (Leader: UGH! Can't you do anything right? *YOU* are more clumsy than that knight Thurston!
    Ruler (dreaming): Thurston?
    (Leader: They'll notice the child is missing if we don't hurry! I'll have your head for this!
    Ruler (dreaming): That sounds . . familiar . . .
    (knave: My King! Surely there is another way!
    (Leader: Fool! There is no other way. Besides, we're not committing any crime, per say.
    We're simply dropping off the child in the woods. And *I* will raise it instead. Think of me as . . the new parent.
    (knave: My King! The horses are ready to go again. This rainfall is a bad omen . .

    *Ruler awakens*

    Old Thomas: Child! You've been sweating enough for 5 summers!
    IVY: Well? What did you see?
    Ruler: It was more of the same dreams I've been having. Horses. Wagons. Two people arguing. . Nothing about the locket though.
    Old Thomas: No worries. I have a good feeling the Baron won't get to this necklace before we do.
    . Ruler: Okay. But let's keep searching too!

    (Old Thomas>I think you should take a short nap and decode this dream later. It's no good to stress about it now.
    Total Recall *let's think about this later*
    Old Thomas>We'll find that locket in due time. Let's set it aside for now?)
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-13-14 at 11:01 AM.

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