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Thread: Castle Story: Dialogue Guide

  1. #61
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    C24 Troll Tribe Part 3

    * at the Castle*
    Ruler: Did you figure out the source of the magic?
    Ivy: The Feral Magic seems to be... from the Faeries!
    OT: Miss Ivy, it's much too soon to conclude that!
    Ivy: Why not? How do you explain the pouch and Faerie-like designs?!
    OT: Sure, but...
    Ivy: And Faeries are REAL! I've caught some in jars!
    OT: Yes, and they refuse to speak to us...
    We just can't know for sure. Why would the Faeries give magic to Dire Boars?
    Ivy: Oooh, maybe there's a secret Faerie base in the Feral Lands that went wrong...
    OT: ...
    Ruler: Old Thomas is right. Without solid connections we can't be sure? maybe we should ask Kaz.

    (ivy>I wish the Faeries weren't so elusive. Hey! Don't look at me like that.
    Even if I never put them into jars they wouldn't talk to us anyways.
    1. Speak to Kaz -Thurston can't come with us *to the Troll Pit*
    ivy> Well? Where is he? )

    Ruler: Kaz, are you there?
    Troll: Go away, human.
    Ruler: Do you know where he is?
    Troll: ...
    Ruler: There's no use ignoring me. I know you're down there!
    Troll: If you're lookin' for the traitor, he's not here.
    Ruler: Traitor? What happened?
    Troll: Hah! Nice try! Kaz has fooled us looong enough.
    Vulzal caught Kaz with a potion brewed by a witch!
    Kaz applied it to his arm while yellin' in pain. Human magic is nothin' to play with.
    Kaz accepted HUMAN ESSENCE. He's now Kaz the Traitor.
    We don't welcome that kind.
    Ruler: This is a misunderstanding! We don't have magic... or human essence!
    Troll: Uh-huh. Talk to the hand, human!
    Ruler: I swear! It's a potion for the cut on his arm!
    Thurston: Save thy breath. I always knew that hornless Troll was never to be trusted.

    (ivy>Hey! Who you calling a witch?! ... I feel bad for Kaz. My potion caused him to get kicked out of his own tribe?
    2. Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are *Search for Kaz, where would he be?*
    ivy> I found him! He's over here sleeping!)

    Ruler: Ivy, I don't think he's sleeping... Kaz! ... KAZ!
    KAZ: Whaddya... want...
    Ruler: Quick, help me carry him back. He's extremely dehydrated and hungry.
    Thurston: My liege! Heed the other Troll's warnings!
    Ruler: Traitor or not, we welcome everyone and anyone that doesn't have a home.

    (ivy>Trolls like to eat fish, right? I'll make another batch of medicine for his arm.
    3. I'm Good, Just Misunderstood *fish-it's not fancy, but it'll do;
    water-hydration is a must; roast chicken- I think he likes it buttered?
    ivy> He's regaining strength!)

    SL: at the Castle

    Ruler: Kaz, how are you feeling?
    KAZ: ...
    Ruler: Come on, we just saved you!
    KAZ: I never asked ya to! I owe you nothin'!
    Ruler: I never said you owed me anything! I just asked how you're feeling.
    KAZ: ... I'm fine.
    Ruler: Why were you kicked out of the Troll Pit?
    KAZ: The Trolls think Ivy's potion is witch sorcery. I only yelled because it stung!
    So they ended up misunderstanding the situation. They think I sold my soul to ya!
    Great! Kicked out. I shouda stuck to my gut.
    Ruler: Don't be bummed out. We'll explain it to them and everything will be OK

    (ivy>You're heading back to the Troll Pit?
    I don't think they'll want to listen to anything you have to say.
    A girl is just being honest.
    4. When In Castle, Do As The Humans Do *back to the troll pit*
    ivy>What IS Human Essence anyways? )

    Ruler: No luck, the Trolls won't listen.
    Ivy: Did you get them to tell you what Human Essence is?
    Ruler: ... Where is Kaz?
    Ivy: He told me he was going to get some food.
    OT: He told me he was going to take a walk.
    Ruler: We have to find him, he's not fully recovered!
    Thurston: Nay, my liege. He was probably the one that gave the boars their magic.
    Hence why he was dubbed a traitor.
    Ruler: Now is not the time!
    Thurston: He probably ran to the boars! They'll accept him.
    Ruler: That's it! He probably went to the Feral Lands to prove himself to his tribe.

    (Old Thomas>Oh dear... be careful, the Feral Lands is not to be taken lightly.
    Please prepare accordingly before you venture off to find Kaz.
    5.The Thing That Heroes Do *Kaz, don't be reckless!* Old Thomas>Did you find him?

    Ruler: Kaz! We've been looking everywhere for you.
    KAZ: When will ya give up?
    Ruler: Whatever it is you're trying to prove by entering the den alone is going to be pointless.
    KAZ: Honor is never pointless.
    Ruler: You can't fight the Dire Boars alone. We can make things right, with time.
    Let's go back to the Kingdom and think of a plan.
    KAZ: You mean go back with you as hostage?! I'll be a boar's hostage before being yours.
    Ruler: I promise you'll have your own home in my Kingdom during your stay.
    KAZ: You promise to keep your word?
    Ruler: I've kept every word I've said so far.

    (ivy> So... anyone know anything about building a Troll house?
    6. Building Kaz a Home *keep it near the Swampy Pond
    ivy> I like your sense of style, Kaz!)

    Thurston: My liege, surely 'tis not true!
    Ruler: Yes. Kaz has his own home in our Kingdom now.
    Thurston: He will surely cast his magic on us while we slumber!
    Allow me to guard your bedchamber, my liege! I will keep him at bay if he tries anything funny.
    Ruler: He's not going to, you don't have to worry.
    Thurston: He may have bewitched thee! And everyone else here. Ahhh!
    Why is no one seeing what I'm seeing?!
    Ivy: Because you're making it all up! Duh!
    Ruler: I think it might be best if we separate these two. They're like cats and dogs!

    (Thurston>But... but... I'm a failure as a knight if I can't be beside thee!
    For rule 149 of The Knights Code states:
    "Every Knight must guard the Ruler's bedchamber with one eye open during sleep!"
    7. Thou Art Too Graceful! * Thurston at the Tavern- it has stronger root-beers!*
    Thurston>*Burrrrp* Aye, this is... quite fine!)

    *outside Kaz's Abode*

    KAZ: Where were ya?
    Ruler: Just getting things in order.
    KAZ: Is that Knight going to bother me?
    Ruler: Nope. We're going to keep you two separated.
    KAZ: Hmph.
    Ruler: We wanted to ask your opinion on something.
    We found these pouches of magic on some of the Dire Boars.
    Any idea who could have given these to the boars?
    KAZ: I felt thick magic in the Dire Boar Den. But that's as far as it goes.
    I don't know anythin' about magic. I just know when it's present.
    Ruler: Ivy believes it's Faerie magic?
    KAZ: Yes? No? It's not on my list of concerns.
    Ruler: What IS on your list concerns?
    KAZ: None of ya business. Telling you would be betraying the Trolls. My real family.
    I?m tired. Go away.

    (ivy>Sheesh, what a big grump. Do you think he'll tell us what's bothering him after he rests?
    8. I Never See You Anymore (Are you ready to talk yet?)
    ivy>Do you wanna build a swamp man?)

    Ivy: Umm... I think you should come to Kaz's house.
    Ruler: Oh geez, what's wrong now.

    *At Kaz's Home*
    Thurston: Silly Troll, you're no... match for a *burp* Knight!
    KAZ: Shiny armor, meet club! *whack*
    Thurston: Puny Troll... not funny! You dented my armor!
    Ruler: Stop! Thurston, why are you here?
    Thurston: *Burrrp* I saw...
    Ivy: Hahaha, I think he had one too many root-beers.
    Thurston: Nay, Miss... Eevee! I'm fully in.. con-TROLL!
    Ruler: Ivy, can you help me look after him?
    Ivy: Sure thing. C'mon, you big goof.
    KAZ: Ya don't have to say more.
    Ruler: I'm glad you understand we can't control him...
    KAZ: It doesn't mean I trust ya, either.
    I want a weapon rack right outside my door. In case more of him come around.
    Ruler: That's not safe at all.
    KAZ: I will only use it under extreme circumstances.

    (KAZ>Let's be real, there are plenty more not excited by my presence in your Kingdom.
    I will not be threatened or powerless on your grounds.
    I'll get a better night's sleep knowing I have protection.
    9. I'm In Con-Troll! -Troll Weapon Rack-He'll sleep better knowing he's protected...
    KAZ>Let's see if he comes around now!)

    Ruler: Are you sleeping better?
    KAZ: Yes.
    Ruler: Can we talk about the Dire Boars now?
    KAZ: Whaddya want?
    Ruler: You said there are things more important than finding out the source of the boar's magic...
    KAZ: That's none of ya business.
    Ruler: Why not? We've been welcoming and wanted nothing more than for us to be friends.
    KAZ: ... Give me the magic you found. I'll give them a look.
    Ruler: Thank you.

    (KAZ>A smart Troll is the kind that doesn't make promises.
    Leave the magic bags on the table and I'll see if there's a connection to somethin'.
    10. Kaz's Change Of Heart -give Feral Magic(Drops from Boars!) KAZ>I can't work with you hoverin' over my shoulder.

    Congratulations! Part 3 completed! Part 4 coming soon!
    Last edited by Dabag; 06-23-14 at 10:49 AM.

  2. #62
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    C24 Troll Tribe Part 4

    KAZ: It's Faerie-like, but don't hold ya breath.
    Ruler: Have you seen the Faeries around?
    KAZ: The only time I seen 'em is when they're claiming our trees.
    They sprinkle faerie dust on the trees and if you don't get rid of it in time, mushrooms will start sproutin' all over.
    Ruler: What happens after that?
    KAZ: The tree belongs to them. Eventually they claim an entire area.
    Ruler: Can't you pull out the mushrooms that grow?
    KAZ: Why didn't I think of that?!
    Ruler: ...
    KAZ: Let's talk later.

    (ivy>Hey did he just kick us out?! Well, SORRR-Y for asking questions!
    Let's see if we can find the Faeries.) 1.Tree Sitting
    *harvest 15 glimmer bulbs, ck. Magic garden. Tend 40 flowers* ivy> Zip, zilch, nada!)

    *Kaz's abode*
    Ruler: Kaz, are you home?
    KAZ: Whaddya want?
    Ruler: We couldn't find any Faeries. Can you tell us where we can find them?
    You said they like to sprinkle their Faerie dust on trees?
    KAZ: ...
    Ruler: What's wrong?
    KAZ: Look.

    *A Knight rides in from the distance*
    Ruler! The Dire Boars are marching in full force towards our direction! What are your orders?
    Ruler: Gather the supplies you need to fend them off.
    Thurston: My liege, allow me to lead our Knights!

    (Thurston>Have no fear, my liege! I am here to protect thee!
    A Dire Boar is no match for the mighty Excalibam. Knights! Assemble and let's strengthen our Castle walls!)
    2.March Of The Dire Boars *give stone, wood, iron ore, silver*
    Thurston>Hah! Get through that, pesky boars!)

    Thurston: My liege! We need more supplies!
    Ruler: What's going on out there?
    Thurston: It's not just the Dire Boars mobilizing against us.
    The TROLLS are as well!
    Ruler: That doesn't make any sense? why?
    Thurston: This timing is too perfect! Kaz must have leaked information to them!
    Ruler: Hold on, we don't know that! Let me speak to Kaz first.
    Thurston: Nay, my liege. Thou ought to kick him out!

    Ruler: I will handle this. Thurston, please lead our Knights on the field.
    Old Thomas, please help with the organization.

    (OT>I will do my best! Oh dear... let's see.
    Sir Thurston, let's have our smiths produce more Longswords.
    I will see to it that food is evenly distributed.
    3. Soldiers March, Trolls...?
    ( dialog incomplete - poor pic)

    Ruler: Kaz, what's going on? Why are the Trolls marching towards us?
    KAZ: Ugh. Long story.
    Ruler: Please tell. Our Kingdom is in danger!
    KAZ: I believe in puttin' our differences and history aside to combat the boars.
    Neither side can work alone. Trolls and humans are better off unified.
    I offered to be the negotiater between Trolls and humans.
    Some of the Trolls agreed and some disagreed with workin' alongside humans.
    Vulzal and his friends wanted me OUT.
    They couldn't convince everyone to their side until the potion you gave me for my arm came into the picture.
    After that--

    *My liege! Apologies for the interruption! The Dire Boars are getting closer! We're afraid our walls and brave Knights won't be enough.
    Even if we push the Dire Boars back, the battle with the Trolls right after will do us in!

    OT: I suggest we ask the neighboring Kingdoms for help.

    (OT>After this is over, be sure to thank our neighbors for lending us a hand!
    4. Being Outed Isn't So Bad *ask help to push the Dire Boars back!*
    OT>Strength in numbers is a real thing!)

    Ruler: Glimmerspeed! The Dire Boars are pushed back!
    Old Thomas, can you organize a thank you gesture for our neighbors?
    OT: It would be my honor.

    *At Kaz's House*

    Ruler: Kaz, what can we do about the Trolls? Can you talk to them?
    KAZ: No go. Not goin' to work.
    After they kicked me out, the Tribe split into three different groups. Each Tribe has their own King.
    The group marching towards you now is just a third of the Tribe.
    Ruler: A third is still a lot. Let's put our heads together and think this through?

    (OT>The Ruler tasked me with thanking our kindhearted neighbors.
    Sharing our crops and helping around their Kingdom would be a good start.
    5. What Do You Know About Your Neighbor? * give strawberries, corn & visit nbrs*
    (OT>Love is everywhere!)

    Ruler to Kaz: Can you tell me about the three Tribes?
    KAZ: The Troll Tribe split into three. Each with their own self-declared King.
    Just like Kin Zeba'jin, each of the Troll Kings has their own jewel.
    It's shameful. They all have jewels because they raided the sacred Troll Vault.
    The Troll with all the jewels and the Troll Vault will become the official King.
    Ruler: If you have sacred Troll Vault and all four jewels, can you become King?
    KAZ: Yes. But I have no interest in that.
    Ruler: But it would be so much better---

    KAZ: One group plans on attackin' your Kingdom before fighting the boars.
    Vulzal is the leader of this group.
    Ruler: Got it. What about the other two?
    KAZ: Another group plans on attackin' your Kingdom AFTER fighting the boars.
    Yamike is the leader of this group.
    Ruler: Doesn't sound much better than the first one? what's the last group like?
    KAZ: The final group follows our late King Zeba'jin's teachings.
    Except they're doin' it wrong. Instead of makin' peace with the humans,
    they want to make peace with the Dire Boars. Anje is the leader of this group.
    Ruler: Are you sure talking it out is impossible? I don't want a war.
    KAZ: Vulzal, Yamike and Anje, will only answer to battle.

    (kaz>You can't take control back without an all out battle. You fight them one on one.
    Winner decides the rules. Let me know what you want to do.
    6. When You Play A Game Of Thrones... *decide to fight them one on one*
    kaz>Great. I'll negotiate a date and time for the battle.)

    KAZ: Are you ready? Vulzal agreed to a one on one battle to settle the matter.
    If he wins, you'll give him your Kingdom.
    If you win, he'll command his Tribe to stand down and work together with the humans.
    OT: Those are very risky terms!
    Thurston: My liege! Do not let this Troll strong-arm thee into this!
    He made these arrangements in his favor! Let me fight in place of thee!
    For rule 75 of The Knight's Code states---
    KAZ: No. You fight this battle yourself. Ruler to Ruler battle.
    Ruler: Kaz, this is too risky... can't we negotiate some more?
    KAZ: Can't. These are Troll customs.
    Ruler: I won't repeat my mistakes. I will just weaken him and stop there.
    If there's a will, there's a way. Wish me luck, guys.
    KAZ: Don't forget the Sapphire! Without it the Trolls will not listen to him.

    (thurston>My liege, allow me to be thy champion! No King Troll is a match for me!
    7. Battle with Vulzal *go-lv.3 jousting arena*
    WARNING: The Troll King will not appear if there is another monster on the game board!
    thurston> HUZZAH! Thou hast the Large Sapphire!)

    Ruler: Where do we find Yamike?
    KAZ: They haven't left the Troll Pit for the Feral Lands yet.
    Ruler: I would be able to find him there? And just... ask for a battle?
    KAZ: Heh. We call Yamike a Dire Boar in disguise.
    He said he'll trade his jewel for your Kingdom.
    Or, a one on one battle, same deal.
    Ruler: That's not a fair deal at all!
    KAZ: Now you know why we call him that. He doesn't stop there either.
    You have to defeat his gang before you can fight him.
    Ruler: ...
    KAZ: They're called Yamike's Five. They're not strong.
    Yamike isn't tough either.
    Ruler: Easy for you to say, I'm the one that has to fight him!
    KAZ: Weaken him and take his Emerald.

    (kaz> Spend less time complainin'. Visit the Troll Pit when you're ready.
    After fighting his Favorite Five, he'll come out to fight you.
    WARNING: The Trolls will not appear if there is another monster on the game board!)
    8. Yamikes Five kaz>It's not over yet.)

    KAZ: Don't inflate your head, but you're good with the sword.
    Ruler: Thanks.
    KAZ: Yamike is scared.
    Ruler: Will he surrender? I don't want to fight?
    KAZ: Not scared enough to put down his pride.

    (kaz>WARNING: The Troll King will not appear if there is another monster on the game board!
    9. Battle with Yamike *he's at the Troll Pit!*
    kaz>Grab the Emerald!)

    Ruler: What about Anje?
    KAZ: Anje is the type that makes you scratch your horns.
    Ruler: What do you mean? He favors peace right? Isn't that good for us?
    KAZ: Sure. But I heard he gave the Dire Boars our sacred Troll Vault in exchange for peace.
    Ruler: Did it ... work?
    KAZ: Don't be an Anje! Of course not!
    He was smart enough to not give away his jewel though.

    Ruler: What do we do now?
    KAZ: Havin' all the jewels is pointless without the Troll Vault.
    We have to retrieve that first.
    Ruler: I can't leave for the Feral Lands right now...
    KAZ: Send your Knights. I'll rack down Anje and his tribe.

    (thurston>This is... most confusing, my sovereign.
    Kaz is out there battling alongside us. Ahhh, why can't things be simple)

    10. There's Always That ONE Troll!
    *send Thurston and the Knights to the Feral Lands*
    thurston>I need a Root-Beer after all this.)

    KAZ: I told Anje to meet at my house.
    Ruler: Is he really going to come?
    KAZ: I made him an offer he can't refuse?
    Ruler: ...
    KAZ: It's a joke.
    Ruler: What's the plan?
    KAZ: Anje favors peace to a fault. He'll come.
    And then we jump him.
    Ruler: What?!
    Shouldn't he be the new King? You said he's similar to King Zeba'jin.
    KAZ: My nails get dull scratching? my horns at his decision making s****s.
    He is not the next King.
    Ruler: So we just... ambush him?
    KAZ: Yes. Now hide. He'll come soon.

    (kaz>Do not second guess yourself. Remember he has the final jewel.
    Grab the Topaz when he's weakened.
    WARNING: The Troll King will not appear if there is another monster on the game board!
    11. An Offer Anje Can't Refuse
    *wait a Kaz's* ... *beat Anje*

    Ruler: I have all four jewels! By Troll rules, that makes me the King. The only King!
    Thurston: Stand back, my liege! This was his true plot all along!
    KAZ: Yeah, I'm goin' to take over your Kingdom... NOT!
    I don't want to be King of the Trolls. But I will step up to unify everyone.
    Trolls! We must stop what we're doin'! Work together with our friends, the humans!

    *other Trolls respond*
    What can they do for us?! Look at their arms! Too weak for a boar battle!
    They aren't friends! Never forget King Zeba'jin!

    KAZ: Yes! Do not forget King Zeba'jin! Make peace in his name!
    Ruler: As Ruler of this Kingdom, I deeply apologize for our history.
    KAZ: King Zeba'jin frowns at us from the Swampy Heavens.
    Dire Boars are a shared enemy.
    After they return to the Feral Lands where they belong we can change our objective.
    For now, we join forces with the humans.
    This is the new law under the only one Troll King.

    (kaz>Well, there ya go. I unified the Trolls under one Tribe. I guess... thank you.
    With the two united, the Dire Boars will be kept under control. But we're far from done
    .12. Beginning Of a Beautiful Friendship *shake, build, visit*

    Part 4 Completed! Part 5 released soon!
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-20-14 at 10:07 AM.

  3. #63
    Executive Chef
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    C24 Troll Tribe Part 5

    Summary: Summary: A brand new Castle is built.
    A friend selects 5 of the best warriors and leaves the Kingdom. Will they return?

    Ruler: Looks like you're the new Troll King now.
    KAZ: Heh. I'm not a King. The role is mine to bear until someone better appears.
    Ruler: Well, I don't think anyone is more fit than you.
    KAZ: Thanks, but no thanks.
    Ruler: What can we do for the Trolls? The Dire Boar situation is still uncertain?
    KAZ: That will resolve itself over time. The most important step is completed.
    And that's unifying Trolls and Humans
    Ruler: What's next on the agenda?
    KAZ: Figuring out where to place everyone.
    We lost a chunk of our home to the Faeries and the Dire Boars.
    Ruler: Would you like to live in our Kingdom? We can create a quarter for the Trolls.
    There is plenty of room.
    KAZ: Chaotic, but sure. Let's get to it.

    (thurston>My liege! This is mindblowing! The hornless Troll is a King!
    A KING! That means... as a Knight... I must serve him as well...?!!
    1. Fifth Element *build Troll Castle*
    (thurston>With 4 jewels, Kaz is the fifth element?!

    IVY: I like your style, Kaz!
    KAZ: Thanks
    IVY: Let's have a grad debut party! Whoo hoo!
    KAZ: Heh. Sure.

    (ivy>So...what's a celebratory troll party like? Do you like Skunku-pies? No?!
    WHY does no one enjoy a warm Skunku-pie *give- bacon, breaded fish, hot sauce, ice cream*
    2. Ain't No Party Like A Castle Party! *debut troll castle*
    (Ivy> Show me that dance move, Kaz!

    KAZ: Everyone! Let's have a toast.
    From this day onward, the Trolls have an official section in the Glimmer Kingdom.
    I proudly present... The Troll Quarters and the Troll Castle!

    *Trolls scratch their horns* What is this?
    KAZ: The Troll Castle.
    *The Trolls are outraged* THIS Castle is in UNACCEPTABLE CONDITION!
    It's not as grand as the humans! It looks like my grand mamma's house!
    KAZ: *Face palms*
    Ruler: Hey, that's rude! It's a great Castle!
    Everything about it represents Kaz's philosophy!
    KAZ: It's ok... As King... I will serve.
    (thurston>Hah! First day as King and he's being boo'd!
    My sentiments exactly, my liege! Wait... did I agree with the Trolls?
    But... it's against Kaz... but Kaz is a Troll. Why is this so confusing!

    3. Unacceptable Condition (I guess... make it more robust?!)

    KAZ: Ok, One more time. Let's have a toast to--
    Trolls: This looks like my GREAT GRANDMAMA's house
    KAZ: ...
    Trolls: King Kaz, do not let the humans hold you down!
    Troll pride is strong! This is weak!
    KAZ: I designed? never mind.
    Ruler: Kaz--
    KAZ: Not now.

    (ivy>Making everyone happy must be rough. I'm glad I'm not King!
    4. One More Time (3rd time's a charm, right?)
    (ivy>Whoa, it's massive!)

    KAZ: Here is the new Castle.
    Trolls: This looks like--
    Trolls: ...
    KAZ: I am King. The Troll Castle is built to represent the current King.
    If you don't like it, leave. Great. We're all in the same swamp.
    We have more important things to do than have a decorating' competition.
    Dire Boars still roam freely. Focus our energies on things that matter.
    Do not fall back to where we once were.
    Ruler: Well said, Kaz.

    (kaz>Dire Boars still roam the perimeters. Fight off any Dire Boars you see.
    Now that we're finally working together, things shouldn't be as complicated.
    5. I Am A King *commemorate the troll castle-craft troll banner, fight dire boars*
    (kaz>Much faster now that we work together)

    Ruler: Kaz, are you moving out?
    KAZ: Yes.
    Ruler: What's wrong? You don't like the Castle?
    KAZ: It's nice. But I'm simple.
    Living in a Castle is not me. I'm happier with my cottage.
    Ruler: Ok.
    KAZ: ...
    Ruler: ... Is there something on your mind?
    KAZ: Sure, but it's mine to bear.

    (ivy>Why is he always so elusive? Always... "Yes", "No",
    "These are my problems to bear". And his favorite! "Whaddya want"
    6. Moving On Out *find kaz at home -you're still not comfortable around us?*
    (ivy>Open up! It's the Kingdom Watch!)

    [ruler knocks on kaz' door]
    KAZ: Are you alone?
    Ruler: Yes. Kaz, you're scaring me. What's going on?
    KAZ: Quick, come inside.
    Ruler: Your place is a mess!
    KAZ: Sit. I don't have much time.
    Ruler: Is it the Dire Boars?
    KAZ: Things don't add up. From the boars leaving the Feral Lands to the magic they received.
    Ruler: Did you locate the source of the Feral Magic?
    KAZ: Yes, but sharing my thoughts without proof is not how I operate.
    Ruler: But sharing thoughts might lead to answers!
    KAZ: I need to go to the Blythewood.
    Ruler: What's in the Blythewood?
    KAZ: I need 5 of the best Troll warriors to make the journey with me.
    I'm calling them: Kaz's Five.
    Ruler: ...
    KAZ: You look too serious. Its was a joke. I'm trying to make you feel better.
    Ruler: Kaz! This isn't the time to be making jokes!
    KAZ: The announcement will go out tomorrow morning. Be ready.

    (thurston>Ah! My liege! What keeps you up at this hour of night?
    7. Night Call *go back to cottage -thurston> allow me to escort thee*
    Thurston>Aye, I'm just doing my duty patrolling the city!)

    [at Kaz' place]
    Ruler: You don't have to do this.
    KAZ: I'm calling the Trolls to the Joustin' Arena.
    You should round up the humans.
    (thurston>My liege, what are we being summoned to the Jousting Arena?
    8. You Don't Have To Do This *go to lv.3 jousting arena*
    (thurston>I hope it's to have me joust in your honor!)

    KAZ: All. I'm going to get straight to the point.
    This is a tournament to select 5 of the best Troll Warriors.
    The chosen ones will travel with me North.
    Trolls: Why the suddenness, King Kaz?
    Which way is North?!
    Who cares, I'm the best. Pick me! Who do I have to fight?
    KAZ: This is urgent. The Dire Boars wait for no one, and neither should we!
    Prove your strength. Your pride. The Battle starts now.
    Trolls: Is North where we find the Dire Boar King?!
    KAZ: I believe North is where we'll get answers to the source of the Feral Magic.
    I can't say more.
    Trolls: Who do I have to fight to travel North?!
    KAZ: ...
    Ruler: Why are you looking at me?
    KAZ: I have not seen a leader like this since King Zeba'jin's father.
    The finest fighters will get selected. Not necessarily the winner.

    (thurston>What a conniving Troll! This is a blatant attack on thee!
    I will stand at attention to be sure they don't try anything funny.
    9. Kaz's Five *battle 5 in the tournament- Sword, meet club!*
    (thurston>Stupendous display of swordplay, my liege!)

    KAZ: I've picked my team. We leave on the morrow.
    In my absence, here are my orders:
    The only chance we have against the Dire Boars is through unity.
    Work with the humans. They are our friends.
    I will rule until King Zeba'jin's daughter is of age.
    Trolls: Who rules DURING your absence?!
    KAZ: I don't believe in a sole Ruler. Make the decisions King Zeba'jin would.
    Guard Girisha with your lives. She is the last of King Zeba'jin's blood.
    Ruler: Kaz... you're really leaving?
    KAZ: Yes.
    Ruler: Write to us about your journey to the Blythewood.
    And if you need something, we will be right there.
    KAZ: Thank You. Friend.

    (ivy>See ya later, Kaz! Write to us often! Don't hog ALL of the information!
    10. But We Just Met *give- troll clubs, sentry horn, magic fruit, vital extract &
    See Kaz off* (ivy>Don't forget to write to us! We'll be waiting here!)
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-20-14 at 10:09 AM.

  4. #64
    Executive Chef
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  5. #65
    Executive Chef
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    I will be editing the punctuation first. then will work on making it look better.
    thanks for your patience

    All the dialog I have is now posted in this thread.
    so far every dialog has been edited at least once.
    some are completely finished.
    thank you (may 14,2014)
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-14-14 at 10:07 PM.

  6. #66
    Executive Chef
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    May 8,2014 CASTLE STORY UPDATE Royal Exchange Trade Dialog

    IVY: Hey Lady Greselda?
    Lady G: What is it, dearie?
    IVY: I have a feeling Belladonna would love to see these plants!
    Can we send her some?
    Lady G: I suppose. What is the occasion?
    IVY: Nothing at all.
    Lady G: Not to be a toad, dearie, but we have a low supply of these plants.
    IVY: Alrighty. I'll write here to see if she would be interested.

    Ivy>I haven't written to my older sis in awhile. So much has happened, where do we start?!
    I guess starting with Lady Greselda is a good idea.
    1. Hello, Belladonna *trade with Belladonna*-Dear sis...
    Ivy> That was fast, I wonder is she's nearby?)

    IVY: My sister wrote back! Do you want to read it with me?

    Dear Ivy,
    I heard the news, too, about the Glimmergate!
    Do you get lots of visitors for the gate? I've been meaning to see it myself.
    You know how it goes. When you hear things
    Through the grapevine, who knows what's true and what's phony.
    Lady Greselda, eh? I met her once. Yep!
    She's quite the s****ed witch! A self serving one at that.
    I wonder if she remembers me...
    We met briefly when I was traveling about for my studies.
    Is she a permanent resident at you Kingdom?
    And yes, absolutely! Send the plants over. I can think of a few experiments I want to try.
    Hope you and your Easy Brew Cauldron are doing well! Haha!
    Much Love, Bella

    IVY: Here I thought Belladonna could go a day without teasing me.
    Well, that's my big sister for ya.

    Ivy>Let's go give Lady Greselda the heads up that Belladonna would like a few plants.
    2. Through the Grapevine *find Lady G - her creepy castle & the dark garden*
    Ivy>Her castle got creepier with the new plant collection...)

    IVY: There you are! I've been looking for ya.
    Lady G: Dear, you're brewing with energy. Go on, croak it out.
    IVY: Belladonna wrote back and she would like it if we could send her some plants!
    Lady G: You can have the extras that mature.
    IVY: Whoo hoo! Thank you.
    ... DO YOU remember a Belladonna? My sister said she has bet you before!
    Lady G: Ah yes, the wildling with red hair?
    IVY: Hey, she's not a wildling!
    Lady G: Did the years mellow her out?
    IVY: I don't know? Belladonna is just Belladonna to me.
    Lady G: We met briefly in Farenvale 5 years ago. She's quite the s****ed witch.
    Something you didn't inherit.

    Ivy>I'm not a witch! Why does everyone think that?
    Anyways, let's go, let's go! These plants won't mature themselves!
    Help me pick the best babies for my sister.
    3. Gifts for Bella * Send dark plants-careful, they're feisty babies! -use new trade*
    Ivy> Do you think Lady Greselda would give me lessons?)

    Dear Ivy,
    These plants are creepily perfect! Thank you squirt!
    I think I might grind these down, but they're just too precious!
    I'll plant a few and turn the rest into experiments.
    Have you done anything with these? Share me your recipes!
    A wildling, eh? Maybe when I was in school at Farenvale!
    Anywho, I've been taking notes. I'll send you bit by bit as you
    send me more plants for my experiments.
    What is Lady Greselda doing with these? I would love to know!
    Write me soon. I love you little sis.
    Much Love, Bella

    IVY: D'awww... I always feel fuzzy inside when she writes me.
    But cool, notes! Oh Lady Greselllllda... .

    Ivy>I got something you might like. BUT FIRST, show me some potion recipes.
    Belladonna would be disappointed if I can't brew advanced stuff when she visits..)
    4. Wish You Were Here * give Belladonna's inscription*
    (How's that for a deal?
    Ivy>Yes, yes? Petty please?!

    IVY: Sooooo? You'll give me a few lessons every week?
    Lady G: You're insistent like your sister.
    IVY: Huh?
    Lady G: Oh? She hasn't told you? Probably too proud to admit it!
    When she was in school at Farenvale, she often came to my house
    and BEGGED me for lessons. My goodness! She came around everyday. Rain or shine!
    IVY: Did you take her in?
    Lady G: Heavens dearie, no!
    I can't even eat a frog eye pie in peace! Why on green grass would I mentor a witch?!
    IVY: Hey, but you can eat ALL the frog eye pies you want here!
    Lady G: ...
    IVY: Come on! I'm a fast learner! I have my sister's blood in me!

    Lady G> I suppose. How about we do this for 3 months and re-evaluate.
    First, prove to me you're as committed as your sister. Study as
    Much as you can from her until I put together some lesson plans.
    5. Sister, Sister *give 20 inscription* (could make a book out of these notes...)
    Lady G> Impressive, I'm almost ready, I will let you know when I am.
    Last edited by Dabag; 06-18-15 at 01:14 PM.

  7. #67
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    c20 Pyre Caverns Teaser

    Summary: Thurston and the Knights ventured too far south and stumbled upon the Pyre Caverns!
    What caused the Pyre Dragons' return? Most importantly, what secrets lie deep inside the fiery caverns?

    Thurston: My Liege! Mon... mon... MONSTER!
    IVY: Ooh, this sounds good.
    Ruler: What do you mean monster? Here. Drink some water and tell us.
    Sabina: Monster?!!
    Ruler: It'll be ok, Sabina

    (ivy>Thurston causes a panic scare once again!
    Have you ever thought about collecting yourself before blurting things out?
    1. Panic Scare *give water to Thurston- chug! chug! chug!*
    (ivy>Drinking too much water can be a bad thing!

    IVY: Ok, spit it out! Who, What, Where, When, Why!
    Thurston: Dragons!
    OT: A dragon sighting? Near the Glimmerwood?
    Thurston: A-a-a-ay-ay-aye! Dragons! Nesting! Sitting on mounds of treasures!
    OT: Impossible! Where did you witness such a sight?

    Thurston: The Knights and I did our duty scouting the castle walls.
    We decided to take a different route and ended too far south.
    And-and-and that's when we saw--
    IVY: DRAGONS! Yeah, yeah, we know.
    OT: Oh dear... are we safe? Should we prepare?
    Ruler: I agree with Old Thomas. We should prepare for the worst.

    Ruler to Thurston: Did the dragons attack you?
    Thurston: Nay.
    IVY: What? What happened when you saw them then?
    Thurston: They were ENORMOUS! The dragons roared fire at us until we left!
    OT: This is most curious... could you have found the ancient Pyre Caverns?
    Ruler: What's that?
    OT: I will tell you as we work. There is no time to lose.

    (OT>The Pyre Caverns were known as the home of the sacred fire dragons?
    As you know dragons are quite rare.
    I am in disbelief that Sir Thurston saw the Pyre dragons with his own two eyes!
    2. All The Wh- Questions * alert neighbors & prepare -Longswords &
    Light armor(won't this heat up in a fire?)* OT> Oh dear... I wonder if this is enough?)

    Thurston: Old Thomas, I swear on the Excalibam I SAW the Pyre dragons!
    OT: What could cause their return?
    If they didn't go extinct, where have they been all these years?
    Ruler: That'll take some time before we find out.
    What we do know is they're dangerous.
    Thurston: Aye, my sovereign. We must act now or they may light fire to our Kingdom!
    Sabina: How can we slay the dragons? They're large and terrifying!
    Thurston: Fear not, my princess! We will protect you with our lives!
    OT: Oh dear... dragon slaying? Is this the right answer?
    Ruler: The dragons we raised are friendly.
    Maybe we can raise the eggs found in the Pyre Caverns?
    OT: As your Royal Council I advise you to think this trough before making any decision.
    Ruler: I agree. Let's think about it.

    (Sabina>Slay The Dragon event starts soon! Don't miss out!
    3. Pyre Cavern Dragons *sleep on it - think it through at the Cottage* REST
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-17-14 at 01:13 PM.

  8. #68
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    Chain #25 PYRE CAVERNS - Infiltrate the Pyre Caverns

    Thurston: My liege, we must act! The dragons in the Pyre Caverns are stirring!
    Ruler: Old Thomas, did you learn anything from the scrolls about the Pyre Caverns?
    OT: I couldn't find anything of use.
    Ruler: Hmm... Thurston, you said the Dragons didn't chase you, right?
    Thurston: Aye, my liege! They stopped dead in their tracks when they laid eyes on me!
    IVY: Oh! I have an idea! Let's enchant everyone's gear with frost.
    Ruler: Good idea. I also have an idea on how to combat the dragons...

    (thurston>Huzzah! The Ruler always has the answers!
    1. Ice, Ice, Baby *craft at magic forge*
    (thurston>Instead of being a Frost Knight, can I be a Dragoon Master?!

    OT: Are we combating the dragons head on?
    Ruler: Let's try chasing them out first... if not...
    Thurston: We slay the dragons!
    OT: Oh dear...
    Ruler: Not exactly. I was thinking... If we wait for the dragons to fall asleep,
    maybe we can make out with some of the treasures they're guarding?

    IVY: Oooh, what are ya looking to find?
    Ruler: Dunno. I guess we'll find out?
    Sabina: What happens if they wake up while you're in there?
    Ruler: If what Thurston said is true, they won't chase us for long.
    Only one way to find out. Are we ready?

    (ivy> What's with the eye? This stuff works! I use it all the time to preserve my recipes
    2. Out of the Frying Pan... *bring me back something!*
    (ivy>...and into the Pyre Caverns!)

    Sabina: Ivy, look! They're back!
    IVY: Whoo hoo! And no one burnt to a crisp!
    Sabina: Oh, tell us everything! What wonders did you see?!
    Thurston: Of course, as the princess desires.
    We waited in the cloak of night for the dragons to fall into slumber...
    Then... we ventured deep into the caverns with only our beloved swords...
    Sabina: Uh huh, uh huh?
    Thurston: With treasures in hand, we made our way out.
    And... errrm... that's it.
    Sabina: What? That's it? It couldn't have been THAT anti-climatic!
    Ruler: As we were leaving, Thurston dropped a treasure chest and woke the dragons.
    IVY: Hahaha, why am I not surprised?
    Thurston: Laugh to your heart's content, but if you saw dragon eggs you would've been shocked too.
    Ruler: Wait, wait... EGGS?
    Thurston: Aye.
    Ruler: Thurston! Why didn't you tell us this sooner?
    Thurston: It's just an egg, my liege. Nothing to worry about.
    OT: Oh dear... eggs! That means the dragons are nesting in the caverns!
    And if those eggs hatch...
    Ruler: Could we hatch the eggs as our own?
    OT: I wouldn't recommend playing with a dragon's baby.
    Ruler: Let's see what's in the treasure chest we took.
    Maybe there's something there of use?

    (ivy>Dragon eggs? I wonder if we could hatch them in our Magic Forge?
    3. Dragon Eggs *. Open the Treasure Trove-chop off the lock!

    Ruler: We should go back for the dragon eggs.
    OT: As your Royal Council I urge you to stay!
    The dragons will not hold back if you threaten their eggs!
    Ruler: It'll take several trips, but I have a good feeling we'll find an unguarded egg.
    We'll take precautions and err on the safer side.

    OT: Oh dear... Miss Ivy, surely you'll say something?
    IVY: The kiddo's already made up the noggin'.
    Thurston: Not to worry, Old Thomas. I will guard our Ruler with my life.
    Ruler: Thurston, you're not allowed to hold anything this trip.
    Thurston: As my liege commands.
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-28-14 at 01:08 PM.

  9. #69
    Executive Chef
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    Chain #25 PYRE CAVERNS Pyre Egg - Flare Dragon

    (ivy>Don't get frustrated you can't get your hands on a Pyre Egg.
    It's going to take several safe and slow trips! The dragons are onto us.
    Hopefully we get lucky and find an unguarded egg.
    The Pyre Egg *adventure into the Pyre Caverns*
    (ivy>I wonder if the dragon spits hot fire?)

    IVY: Hot Potato! *throws egg*
    Sabina: Ahh! *throws egg*
    OT: My sleeves are no match for this egg! *throws egg*
    Thurston: YIIEEE! Metal gloves against a flaming egg is a losing match! *throws egg*
    Ruler: STOP! We're going to drop the egg! Put it here!
    Phew, it's still in one piece. So... any idea on how we can hatch this egg?
    OT: I assume Pyre Eggs need to be kept ablaze
    Perhaps we should build a fire pit?

    (ivy>Oooh, are we playing with fire? I have a thing for pyromaniacs!
    I'll show you how to build a REAL fire pit.
    2. Hot Potato! *stone, wood, place egg*
    (ivy>What do you think of this flame? )

    IVY: You call this HEAT?!
    Ruler: Not all of us have a thing for pyromaniacs.
    IVY: Whoa! I think that's the first joke you've made in a while!
    Ruler: How do we keep this heat going?
    IVY: We add combustibles in there, duh!
    It'll be fun. Trust me!

    (ivy>We gotta do it fast though. If we're too slow the heat will die down.
    Trust me, I know!
    3. Highly Combustible *wool-these light up like no tomorrow! *
    (ivy>Look at it go! Bright and orange-y! )

    Sabina: This heat is making me sweat! This is not ladylike at all!
    Thurston: Only pigs sweat, Princess Sabina.
    Sabina: This is mortifying! I'm leaving!
    OT: Oh dear... this was not what I had in mind when I said fire pit.
    Ruler: It'll be find, I THINK Ivy knows what she's doing.

    (ivy>We gotta keep it going! I'll show this egg what heat is!
    4. Hot And Heavy *coal-Ack, this smells awful!*
    (ivy>3 degrees low, make it hot for me! )

    Ruler: Ivy, this fire is starting to get out of control!
    IVY: No way, you definitely haven't seen the one at the yearly Flaming Man!
    Ruler: Do we put the egg in?
    IVY: Sure, but I have a gut feeling it's not hot enough.

    (ivy>Worth a shot. Maybe this dragon isn't all that HOT like we made it out to be!
    5. Pop The Water, I'm Sweating! *place egg- See anything? Is it hatching?
    (ivy>Nope, nope, nope. Not hot enough!)

    IVY: Told ya so!
    Ruler: Fine. Let's get this fire started.
    OT: Do be careful... if the winds get too strong...
    Ruler: We will, Old Thomas.
    Let's find more things to add to this fire quickly, before we lose heat.

    (ivy>Keep the heat going! We need more combustible items in the fire!
    6. Drop It Like It's Hot *sap-ooh, now we're talking!
    Wood-wood is always a staple for making fire!
    Coal-Gross, but a must!
    (ivy>Tinder? You mean I might meet a pyromaniac there?)

    Ruler: Is this... hot... enough?
    IVY: Possibly. But I'd rather be sure.
    Let's add some oil before we place our egg in.

    (ivy>Almost there! Keep the fire ablaze, bright and hot!
    Let's make some fish oil for the fire.
    7. All Fired Up *Fish-we gotta make oil from these, fast!
    Butterfish-these yield the most oil!
    Catfish-do whiskers produce oil? *
    (ivy>Nope! I keep swiping left!)

    OT: If this flame gets any larger we'll have to rename the realm to Ashen Wood!
    Ruler: Is there something we can add to keep it hot
    Without making the fire larger?
    Sabina: Oh, oh! I know! Remember how dragons love energy given off by precious gems?
    I'm sure for this baby the special gem would be Pyre Crystals!

    (ivy>Oh, duh! Why didn't I think of that. When I was a little sapling they had us brew things in our cauldron over Pyre Crystals!
    If we're short on Pyre Crystals, we can find more in the Pyre Caverns!
    8. Pyre Crystals *adventure or craft?*
    (ivy>Oooh, these are good quality crystals.)

    IVY: Quick! Put the egg and the crystals in the center of the fire pit!
    Ruler: How?! It's so hot!
    Ruler: ... Here goes nothing.

    (ivy> Can you see anything? Whoa look! Black smoke is erupting from the center! Is The Egg hatching?!
    9. Stop, Drop, And Roll *hatch-the smoke cloud is getting larger!*
    (ivy> Let's call it Flare!)

    END of Pyre Egg - Flare Dragon QUEST
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-28-14 at 01:13 PM.

  10. #70
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    Chain #25 PYRE CAVERNS Ultramarine Egg - Matrix Dragon

    (ivy>Don't get frustrated you can't get your hands on a Ultramarine Egg.
    It's going to take several safe and slow trips! The dragons are onto us.
    Hopefully we get lucky and find an unguarded egg.
    1. The Ultramarine Egg *adventure into the Pyre Caverns*
    (ivy>I don't think the Ultramarine Egg works like a seashell)

    Sabina: An egg! An egg!
    OT: Glimmerspeed! Is it truly a dragon egg from the Pyre Caverns?
    Ruler: Yup!
    Sabina: Ooh... it's freezing! How do we keep it warm?
    Ruler: I think it's supposed to be cold. We found it this way in the caverns.
    Old Thomas, what kind of egg is this?
    OT: Hmm... perhaps an Ultramarine Egg? It's all conjecture, of course.
    If it is what I think it is, to hatch it you must keep it unbearably cold at all times.
    Sabina: Polaris North has Forever Snow! Let's go to the winter wonderland!

    (ivy>Nose goes! Ha! Thurston's going!
    2. Nose Goes! *Polaris North - quickly, while the weather is clear!*
    (ivy>The pass is snowed in!)

    Sabina: Ooh what a soft looking nest.
    OT: Careful, Princess Sabina! Lay in it and you'll become an ice statue!
    Sabina: What an awful image! But a princely kiss to melt the ice wouldn't be so bad!
    IVY: Why does it have to be a prince? What about TRUE love?

    Ruler: Awesome, Thurston is back!
    Thurston: My liege! The road to Polaris is snowed in!
    We won't be able to visit Polaris for a while.
    Frown not, my liege! We can still write them our requests.

    (ivy>Let's use a shovel to create a nest with the snow. If we're short on snow, let's trouble our friends up north for more.
    3. True Love To Melt The Ice *build nest- I wonder if the dragon is cold blooded?*
    (ivy>Is it hatching yet? )

    Ruler: Anyone know how long it'll take for this egg to hatch?
    Sabina: Like, never.
    Ruler: What do you mean?
    Sabina: Everyone knows a dragon egg will only hatch with the right jewel beside it!
    Ruler: A magical jewel?
    Sabina: Doesn't have to be. But Dragon eggs love the energy precious jewels give off.
    Ruler: Let's check the Jewelery Shop.

    (Sabina>It was meant to be! The Jewelers are willing to trade us for their supply of Lapis Lazuli!
    4. All Gold Everything *jewels-quality doesn't matter, right?; Silver ore-but I prefer gold!;
    Iron ore-a jewellery shop staple; Golden nuggets-one of the baron?s favorite things! *
    (Sabina>If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it! )

    Ruler: Sabina, how do you know all about dragons anyways?
    OT: Yes! Do share, Princess Sabina! What scrolls are you referring to?
    Sabina: Scrolls? I learned it all from my fairy tales!
    Ruler: Err? You mean we've done everything based on some made up story?
    Sabina: Hey! They're REAL.
    OT: Ah, don't be quick to judge! Fairy tales do derive from some truth!
    It's just covered in frosting is all!
    Ruler: I sure hope so... What's this fairy tale called?
    Sabina: Dragon Story!

    (Sabina>If we're short on Lapis Lazuli, we can mine for some deep under the sea.
    5. Learned It From Dragon Story *lapis lazuli-love the gold specks!; place on nest-look! The egg is changing colors!*
    (Sabina>Come away with me under the sea!)

    Sabina: Are those cracks supposed to be there?
    Ruler: Now that you mention it, I don't think so.
    IVY: It's about to hatch!
    Ruler: How do you know that?
    IVY: Look at it! There's a thin layer of frost forming along the cracks.
    Ruler: What do we do?
    Sabina: According to Dragon Story, these eggs hatch underwater!
    Ruler: We should hurry to the ocean.
    IVY: We don't have time. We need to get this egg into the water, NOW!

    (Sabina> Ahh! Are we about to witness the birth of a baby dragon?!
    6. Not Now, But Right Now * water - and lots of it - make it rain!*
    (Sabina>Water ripples are forming!)

    Sabina: I feel like a mommy already!
    Ruler: Let's all watch the magic together at the Magic Forge!

    (Thurston>The ruler has called for a rest day! No one is to work in the forge today!
    Cease all heat related work and take the day off!
    7. Water Birthing *hatch egg & feed baby*
    (Thurston>Can these dragons breathe underwater?!

    END OF Ultramarine Egg-Matrix Dragon QUEST
    Last edited by Dabag; 05-28-14 at 01:06 PM.

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