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Thread: Remove old Gifts from the Games

  1. #31
    Farm Supplier
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    Just gift a screw. We will always need a screw in our builds. :-D

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by aliadri22 View Post
    Why am I accepting gifts that I have no way of building appliances with?? seems like TL should take those items OUT of Gifts if we aren't able to use them!
    While it is a pain to scroll through all those gifts, some of us still need those parts! I have a sub account I mainly use to help me with goal & parts requests, but I try to have some of each lots of boxes on the floor but still bldg removed appliances like food dehydrator, sugar coater, etc. who knows when I may decide to actively play on that account? if I old parts are removed then I lost a lot of $$$ on appliances I cant finish bldg!
    Last edited by maguar; 03-04-13 at 02:55 PM. Reason: Fixed autocorrect

  3. #33
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by sugarmilkppm View Post
    Strongly agree that the devs need to remove outdated parts for constructables that can't even be obtained in the game anymore.

    I enjoy these games and I'm not a freeloader; I'm an adult who pays money to show my support for these games and when I do pay for items, it's not just paying for items. I'm paying for continued development/improvement of the game. These games have a lot of quality of life issues that haven't been addressed by the designers & programmers and they really need to be. I have paid much less for games and gotten a lot better value for my money in terms of game support and dev communication. Would really like to see TL improve on this front because I know they have legions of dedicated fans (that also financially support the games).
    Yes I definitely agree. Maybe this issue will raise some sort of eyebrow considering the huge & horrible confusion between the old shamrock from last year (for the emerald oven) and this years new shamrock (for the lucky oven). It was brought to Team Lava's attention in another thread whereas they were receiving the old useless shamrock as opposed to the new one. Team Lava took into consideration of renaming the new shamrock "Lucky Clover" but I'm hoping they just go ahead by removing the old shamrock altogether, as well as other pointless/useless items.

  4. #34
    The Honorable Panda
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    Quote Originally Posted by aliadri22 View Post
    Why am I accepting gifts that I have no way of building appliances with?? seems like TL should take those items OUT of Gifts if we aren't able to use them!
    Sounds like some good news.

    Quote Originally Posted by DaojinWildfire View Post
    This is actually something we're working on right now. We just have to dot the I's and cross the T's before making any changes.

    It might take up to a week before we can make any changes, since we're going through every game with old gift options.
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  5. #35
    What about the ability to delete gifts you've already accepted but now realize you don't want/need? I have so many bat air fresheners that I'll never use and they are just cluttering up my gifts section. :/

  6. #36
    Rhino Keeper
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    After the last RS goals, it proved you can build appliances without needing the part in the gift list. So TL hurry crossing your T's & dotting your I's and get rid of the useless parts please!

  7. #37
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaojinWildfire View Post
    This is actually something we're working on right now. We just have to dot the I's and cross the T's before making any changes.

    It might take up to a week before we can make any changes, since we're going through every game with old gift options.
    Weeellll... it's been over a year. Why throw a time frame like 'might take up to a week' when it means next to nothing as far as the delivery of said promise? While I sincerely appreciate that the staff responded to this issue at all, just remember: Under-promise and over-deliver!
    Last edited by OnCloudDivine; 04-27-14 at 12:37 AM.
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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by myndisue View Post
    After the last RS goals, it proved you can build appliances without needing the part in the gift list. So TL hurry crossing your T's & dotting your I's and get rid of the useless parts please!
    Actually, this made the RS goals really tedious :/ But I understand your point. What I would like TL to know is I think we'd all much rather prefer these 'seasonal parts' to be available to gift to our neighbors, but only while the goal remains active; once the goal expires, so does the ability to gift the part. However, players should still be able to request the 'vintage' part they need.

    Any way those useless RS green ornaments can be totally removed from my inventory?
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnCloudDivine View Post
    Weeellll... it's been over a month. Why throw a time frame like 'might take up to a week' when it means next to nothing as far as the delivery of said promise? While I sincerely appreciate that the staff responded to this issue at all, just remember: Under-promise and over-deliver!
    I'd check the year on that message. and then despair.

    I think they should give us new buildable decorations, like the dragon or dolphin fountain, but ones that require older parts. I'd build the ugliest ice monster statue ever if it got rid of the ice flake stuff that I accepted before I realized it went with ovens I would never be able to build. Still willing to have it all gone from giftable list, and if I need more, ask for them, but I really want to get rid of the stuff in my inventory, and they don't seem to be adding the ability to delete it any time soon, so pretty please?
    Last edited by twospoons; 04-24-14 at 10:10 PM.

  10. #40
    Fashion Designer
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    Quote Originally Posted by twospoons View Post
    I'd check the year on that message. and then despair.
    Ahaha, even worse! This is why these issues should just be dealt with, so old threads don't keep popping up and I don't forget what year this is

    I agree, more buildable decorations would be a great matter what they look like!
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