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Thread: Remove old Gifts from the Games

  1. #21
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I agree that the ability to gift seasonal specialty parts should be a limited time offer for, say, 1-3 months. After that time period players who wanted the parts would then still be able to request the parts, but they would be unavailable for random gifting.

    I myself am finished with specialty parts within a week or two. No matter what your level, you can receive 20 per day!

  2. #22
    Executive Chef
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    Jul 2011
    Buried under Relay Baton & Red Potion

    this is what happened to the many of the other previous posts
    i did find thru other threads. too bad

  3. #23
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by nky1111 View Post
    why not collect them and build a minidragon? is it that scary)))
    they took out the other dragon so only this left
    scary? what, the dragon?
    that dragon is goofy looking to me.
    i actually love dragons but not that one.
    not everyone is going to like all the build-able decorations.

    i just see that as being lazy since it's the first page when you are gifting someone.
    is it that hard to scroll over to the cappuccino or a useful part?
    it's just rude.

  4. #24
    Rhino Keeper
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    Dec 2012
    LOL I got a dragon tooth and it actually did inspire me to want to start building a dragon....just to get the dang tooth out of my inventory.

  5. #25
    Rhino Keeper
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmmmmatt View Post
    Totally agree... I'm tired of still receiving Shamrocks and Painted Eggs in January!
    This! How hard is it to understand gift food or basic parts unless someone asked you for a specific part. Then gift that part to that person. Don't gift me a shamrock or bunny ears when clearly I already have the appliance in my bakery and NO unfinished appliance boxes! Seriously, did everyone forget that holiday appliances they go with were removed on Jan. 7th? I thought the junk parts would be removed then too. But it looks like we're still stuck with them.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    San Jose California

    Why leave outdated gifting options?

    I've searched the board, but not seen an answer. Why are gifts for some appliances available? I've received a shamrock, painted egg, bunny ears, relay baton, starting block, floor mat, jump board, a drip bowl, bat air freshener, vampire cape, and a black iron. So, if the appliances that these items are required to build, but they're no longer available to purchase, why are these gifts still available to gift?

    What happens is... I have a few neighbors who gift these items and either 1) they don't know that these gifts are useless, or 2) they don't really care.

    So what I'm wondering is if the appliance is removed, can the associated gifts be removed as well and if not, why?

    Thank you in advance.

  7. #27
    You've made a very good point!

  8. #28
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Baton Rouge, Louisiana
    Wow I've never noticed that...very good point

  9. #29
    Farm Supplier
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    Jan 2013
    Strongly agree that the devs need to remove outdated parts for constructables that can't even be obtained in the game anymore.

    I enjoy these games and I'm not a freeloader; I'm an adult who pays money to show my support for these games and when I do pay for items, it's not just paying for items. I'm paying for continued development/improvement of the game. These games have a lot of quality of life issues that haven't been addressed by the designers & programmers and they really need to be. I have paid much less for games and gotten a lot better value for my money in terms of game support and dev communication. Would really like to see TL improve on this front because I know they have legions of dedicated fans (that also financially support the games).

  10. #30
    Executive Chef KadeeDid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maguar View Post
    I'd also suggest having new parts go the the start of the list for a time so everyone can easily see when new parts come out.
    Excellent idea!

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