This is absolutely ridiculous! I am at the point that I can't complete goals without using gems to crossbreed or buy pets. I'm unemployed and on disability with a fixed income. I can't afford to buy gems for this! None of the other story games require gems to complete goals or progress in the game. This game is not free to play; it's pay to play. Sure, it's free up to a point, but now I have to pay. I'm sure this isn't the first time anyone has complained about this. This needs to be addressed, or at least tell us why you chose to do it this way. It's actually one of the reasons I didn't start playing it. However, I did because it was a goal for another game and I like it. But now all I can do is upgrade my existing pets/complete the families, and collect the income. What am I supposed to do with the money if everything I need costs gems??? What's the point?!!?