My question pertains to the game set-up as a whole, and is a plea to make it more user-friendly. I'm an Android player, and while it may be diff. for iOS users, I find it unbelievably frustrating not to be able to access my Home wall while visiting other non-nbr islands. It makes playing soooooo much longer, at least if you want to play back to non-neighbors. Frankly, there is little incentive sometimes to do it when I have about 30 people to play back and -- EACH TIME -- have to go back to my island, hit the purple tab, then hit wall to get out of the Profile that is the default, pull up their link, visit them, and then...... rinse, lather and repeat.

And just WHY is that Profile the default initial tab anyway? It's much less useful than the wall, I know how many habitats I have, and if I ever wanted to check on it, I could -- without it being the automatic default. It's just one more step in a long, long row of steps. What is the incentive to tip/play back ANYONE???!?!?? DS is a massively time-consuming game as it is, given the limited habitats as compared to, let's say, all the tables you can have in Restaurant Story. So why make it worse and more complicated?

I *KNOW* TL could have a much more user-friendly set-up because they have it down pat and done perfectly in RS and BS. Why not in this one? Surely it can't be so complicated to implement? It's bad enough to be constantly booted out of the game, let alone the inequalities that Android users have to deal with, but this one issue is driving me mad almost more than ALL the other ones COMBINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please, for the love of God, give us a way to pull up our wall when visiting elsewhere!