I like the app and really appreciate the solid user design. Building for the future please take these ideas into consideration.

1. Gnomes, a flamingo, flags in a restaurant? Consider more realistic objects such as a cash register, glass bakery display, more flower displays, etc...
2. When navigating through neighbors to tip it would be nice to keep the menu sticky. In other words when I navigate to view a neighbor's restaurant and tip, I want to return to the same order in the neighbor's list (not back to the top every time).
3. It would be nice to see some sort of indicator displaying the last time a neighbor viewed my restaurant.
4. Allow me to buy gems with coins
5. When inviting freinds, allow the typed name to re-display if I type in the wrong Storm8 ID. Since the font size is rather small I often mistake letters/numbers and I should not have to retype the entire name. If I leave the Invite Friends panel then it can be cleared.
6. While the different color stoves/ovens/grills are nice, the price difference is really obscene. Unless the other color items provide significant value, a small lift of 10-20% would be more appropriate.
7. Allow me to "expand" by creating a second restaurant and share inventory between them.
8. Fix the inventory bug - I am hesitant to buy anything since I might not be able to retrieve from inventory.
9. Add a wall type that includes a window
10. Of course reducing the cost of many gem items may generate more purchases (the more you spend the more you save concept...)