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Thread: To err is human...

  1. #1
    Fashion Designer
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    Mar 2011
    On my iPhone!

    To err is human...

    "I been thinkin"..." (somewhat scary words used frequently by my husband), I recently complained rather harshly about the mislabeled and inconsistent crop times on FS Bugs and Feedback forum, and realized my complaints were a bit nitpicky. For that, TL, I am sorry. Many of our posts are harsh, and I can see where they would tend to fall on deaf ears after awhile.

    "To err is human", and while we as players would love perfection, that simply is not humanly possibly. TL developers are human, believe it or not. That said, I asked myself (no, not out loud), "Why are we so rough on TL and quick to jump on trivial issues?" I personally believe that because of the insane frequency of major issues, when we discover the minor annoyances, TL gets the "straw that broke the camel's back" reaction. We being human ourselves and understanding that humans make mistakes, wouldn't normally react so strongly and negatively to such trivial stuff, but in this case, it's one thing after another...which gets extremely old and frustrating.

    From here on out, I personally vow to make a conscious effort to be more constructive with my critisms, but you, TL, also need to make an effort to keep your games enjoyable and working properly. A suggestion would be to ask a small group of active players to BETA test a planned update to weed out the bugs prior to releasing it to the public. I, for one, would be more than happy to assist, and I'm confident that many others would as well. Doing so would keep players happy and in turn create PROFIT for TL because your ratings would go up and people would be more apt to purchase gems because they ENJOY playing.

    Food for thought...
    Last edited by DoubleZ; 05-13-12 at 12:11 PM.
    Farm Story 2.0.2
    Device: iPhone 4 (soon to be 5S!)
    iOS: 7.0.2 (11A501)

  2. #2
    Grand Emperor
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I think you're right on the mark.

  3. #3
    Fashion Designer
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Hm... while I do occasionally think that some players need a break for the game when they get really upset about things like missing coins or neighbours that gift the wrong thing or whatnot, I do believe that the main issue is that a lot of players have gotten very attached to their plot, spent a considerable chunk of money on the few pixels and do care.
    However, if a company so obviously doesn't give a {} about what their customers want because there are always loads of new players to fill the gaps of those who leave, things can get heated occasionally.
    If something comes out that people like there is usually oodles of praise and lots of excitement. I think I bought about 6 or 7 boxes simply because I got caught up in the general Hip-hip-hurray on a forum Thursday.
    I couldn't care less if a tree takes 22 or 24 hours to 'ripen' but I do care that elemental things like tractors, farm animals, watertiles etc. are still missing even though I have played on and off for almost a year.
    That is simply ridiculous. It would be dead easy to make a tile like the snow one and just colour it blue. However, TL apparently needs a way to figure out how to get more money out of it - probably by making it fancy which is perhaps tricky with the old script of FS - so they are not releasing something simple.
    Most of the players live in a more or less capitalist society and we are used to companies and places that do cater somewhat for our wishes. TL doesn't and that is simply infuriating - and might result in nitpicking.
    The randomness of offers is also just mindbogglingly annoying. Why would anybody do this to such a large and loyal entourage of players??? I'll never get it.

    I have praised the design of most things and the crop system plenty of times and I will continue to do so just as I will keep critizising what bugs me about this game.
    Last edited by kooky panda; 05-13-12 at 05:49 PM. Reason: inappropriate word

  4. #4
    Fashion Designer
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    Mar 2011
    On my iPhone!
    Okay, but whether you spend cash for gems or not, the anger and frustration starts with the massive number of issues. I personally don't have the luxury of freely spending hard earned money on cute items for a pretend farm and have never purchased a gem in the almost 2 years I've been playing (all have been earned by working my tail off to master crops) and am pretty darn attached to and protective of my farm. It's about what you've put into the farm, be it hard work or money.
    Last edited by DoubleZ; 05-14-12 at 01:38 PM.
    Farm Story 2.0.2
    Device: iPhone 4 (soon to be 5S!)
    iOS: 7.0.2 (11A501)

  5. #5
    Nightclub Owner
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    ! Good old Blighty=)...and here permanenty right now!
    Well, I agree with the OP. I did that silently last should have seen my original posts:/

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