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Thread: Rollback that is Ridiculous Beyond Belief

  1. #21
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Also chiming in because I'm so angry about these stupid rollbacks.

    For the April 2022 Fancy Filigree Tales event, I surprisingly bred the 'Common' dragon, and I was able to get up to 'Chapter 8: Act 1' (Raise Lattice Dragon to level 5). I knew that I had to craft it and that it would take at least 7 hours before it was crafted, then another 7 hours to hatch it from the nest.

    I returned later in the evening, only to find that I was still on 'Chapter 8: Act 1', but NO Lattice dragon was even in crafting!! It not only rolled back my progress, but the Lattice dragon now said I was MISSING an ITEM!!

    I absolutely DID have the requirements of all 4 pieces required in order to craft this dragon, hence how it moved forward to 'Chapter 8, Act 1', without skipping any goals with gold.

    I put in a ticket, but at that point I was already missing hours of progress, and figured there would be no way to even finish this event, seeing as I was missing 7hrs to craft the dragon, 7hrs to *hatch* the dragon, more to EVOLVE the dragon, AND finish related tasks, when I could only start accomplishing any of this, *after* someone got back to me on this issue!

    Oh, and then it took 4000 times trying to 'connect', because you know, we all have that connection issue that's persisted for months and months.

    It's just so incredibly upsetting to have encountered this, especially when the Common dragon is already so hard for us to breed, and it's a rare occasion when we *can*.

    This is one of the absolute WORST rollbacks I've experienced, as it wiped my **** progress, which completely resulted in me now not being able to even finish the Tales. I lost almost 2 days of progress, and CS got back to me, letting me know that the issue was fixed, but then made no attempt to help on any other level! By the time I got to finally craft it with the missing piece, there was barely 24hrs left, and now I have less than 7hrs left of the event (even LB has just started!), and I'm only JUST evolving the Lattice dragon. Ridiculous.

    How is it fair that, when you've encountered a progression blocker such as this, you don't even get the days back that you've missed?? This has been absolutely unfair, as I would have 100% been able to complete the Tales, but no one even bothered to help me further, aside from telling me that they'd 'let the development team know', which I have no idea what that even means. I assumed someone would help advance me to where I would rightfully be, within the correct Chapter, but apparently I expected too much.

    Sorry for the rant, guys, but this has been so frustrating, as I used to absolutely love this game.

  2. #22
    Farm Supplier
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    I get it quite a lot but not on anything major yet thankfully
    Just had it mess up my bingo harvesting task though which is annoying as I now have to wait for more pumpwings to grow and will have to now get up in the night if I want to finish the task

  3. #23
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2013
    My account seems to be stuck in a constant rollback loop today. I?ve collected my bingo task 10-15 times and it keeps rolling back. I can?t progress my account

  4. #24
    Volunteer Moderator Paul__'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by deamon506 View Post
    My account seems to be stuck in a constant rollback loop today. I?ve collected my bingo task 10-15 times and it keeps rolling back. I can?t progress my account
    Please contact support using the link in my signature! Thanks
    Paul__ ~ Moderator

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  5. #25
    Rhino Keeper
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I love beating a high level champion in a tournament first try and coming back and a rollback has reversed it and then I lose many times in a row.

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