Conversation Between sourlicorice2 and SmokeyMtnGirl

42 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah. I think so. lol
  2. Nevermind u r fur baby heaven right?
  3. I'm Pet Paradise. Thx I'll do the same for u but whats your hotel name again to lol. Unfortunetly I sent a gem today before I knew of the 3 gem rule :-( so don't know who got the gems this time around.
  4. Who are you again in Hotel??? I can't remember which neighbor is u. Gonna save a gem to send to you.
  5. Thanks so much lol Unfortunetly it was 20 minutes to late. Voting closed. But I made a tiny plea for it to count lol. Doesn't matter it's only a game for fun. Not going to actually win anything lol
  6. Just saw your post. Happily done as you asked. I just hope I done it right!!! lol
  7. Hello,

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

    I'm here to ask a favour if you can. I'm taking part in 'The First Ever FPGC Half Medley Race. Just a fun compitition amongst others. I need to get some forum members to simply type 'Go Fowler' lol to win some extra rolls of the dice or something like that lol. Was wondering if you could go to the Farm Story Discussion and post it. The title is the same as the name I posted above. Thanks and if you can't no worries :-)
    If you don't see this in time as voting finishes after today then no worries :-)
  8. Oops I forget to clean my messages out. It's clear now so u should be ale to pm now. Have a good sleep. I'm at work right now. Schools out and no Internet so can't do any work. Thankgoodness for my iPad but I'm sooo bored. I want to start creating worksheets etc for summer school.
  9. Ya need to clear ur private messages. I been so mad cause I kept trying to reply and couldn't figure out why the MSG wouldn't send. I finally figured out why. Said ur inbox was full.

    I fixing to go to bed. Say your from the future - well 12 hrs into the future tomorrow going to be a good day?
  10. Lol

    She's in Canada. My parents and I r going home in two years for good.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 42
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