Conversation Between gobblies and Superyalda

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Wherever you go and whatever you do, may all the good things you desire come easily to you.
  2. Why is it gobblies day today?
  3. I am active in bakery, farm and restaurant. There other games just lost out.
  4. Wow! You seemed younger. Where are you from? I am from Australia
  5. You asked me a question in RS, the answer is ... Very active in hi-tech and until a couple of weeks ago was account and marketing manager for a global hi-tech company.
  6. That's SO not normal! Complaining that new users came into the forum to vote!? I did promote the forum and asked ppl to vote for me. Thats more proactive than they expected, i guess.

    And now the discussion is what other contest can be good. What does it matter if the gamers don't join in? Anyway, I posted my opinion about it.

    Funny you noticed it

    Wanna be neighbors in RS? It's the only game I'm active in.
  7. Hey SL- I think you know who it is!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7