Conversation Between Azriemw3 and lollipop_rp

19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Owh what game do you also play??
  2. I play
    Dragon story and farm story 2
  3. What game you play??
  4. Sorry I don't play baker story
  5. Hye please help me ...add me azriemw3 on bakery story need help for finding neighbor
  6. New contest in group

    Join and enter
    I'm hoping to bring the group back
  7. Hi
    I just wanted to let you know that the group "the all girls guide" has reached 45 members. To celebrate, I am giving out a surprise. The surprise is split into separate parts. The first one is already up. If You have time, u can look and participate.

    Link to Surprise part 1:
  8. I am not on android but I am not sure.

    I think it may take a while because for dragon stpry, android has not been updated for months.
  9. When castle story will update on android devices
  10. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, thanks for joining my group. I hope you like it!
    If you have any advice or suggestions, let me know
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
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