Conversation Between 429924 and purpsandherb

4 Visitor Messages

  1. i WILL thanks for the suggestion! I fell in love with the series and i have no doubt that Mead's readers all fell in love with it! one of my friends told me to read this series so now im passing it along!
  2. hey jus read ur msg. yeah sounds interesting. I'm always lookinh for good series to get into. right now I'm geting into janet evonovichs stephanie plum series! odly I have #9! been loking for #1. cool to have another fellow reader. keep in touch with your readings. and I highly sugest little house on the praire books!
  3. lol oopsie vvv seen your comment... you should try that series sometime! its really good!!
  4. so you've read the vampire academy series? Lol i saw the poll i made. have you read the prequel? the bloodline series? i like the VAmpire Academy, Frostbite, Shadowkiss, sprit bound, and last sacrafice.. ok i LOVE ALL OF THEM!!! wanna be friends?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4