Conversation Between Charsville and mtroby29

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Oops I posted the answer on my wall. Guess I'm tired. LOL
  2. Hi Char, here is the email I received, thank you so much for taking the time to help

    Thank you for your email about the Gifting mechanics.

    The Gifting feature is similar in all of the TeamLava games. You can receive and accept a maximum of 20 gifts each day. Pending gifts count as a received gift and will count towards your daily maximum. Declining pending gifts will free up space to receive more gifts if you are still under the limit. If your neighbor attempts to send you a gift before you are able to decline pending gifts, they will receive an error message stating you have already received the maximum amount of gifts for the day. Your neighbors will have to attempt to send the gift again after you have declined pending gifts to free up space. Sending gifts to your neighbors are free and will not remove any items from your game. You can send a gift to all of your neighbors, as long as they have not reached the daily limit.
  3. You're welcome. Glad I could help.
  4. Hi, thanks for replying so quickly. I think I will have to delete some of the less active players, because I want my daily visiting neighbors to have buildings to tap on. Thank you for your help
  5. I think the number of nbrs depends on your style of playing and how often you play. Having a lot of nbrs can be a burden. The game limit on requests is 20 a day. You should have twice that many since not every one plays everyday. Don't feel bad about deleting those that don't visit a lot. Both my cities have over 100 nbrs each. I visit those on my wall then regulars and those with highest social ratings. I can't add more due to lack of energy. I can't keep enough buildings clear so nbrs can visit.

    Yes the news feed doesn't hold very many cities that's why I tell people to post on my wall when they visit. I still get a lot of visitors and nbrs that don't post on my wall. Their names get bumped off my news feed before I see they visited, so they don't get return visits.
  6. Hi, I wanted to ask you a couple questions cause you seem to know so much about this game.
    What is your opinion on the amount of neighbors that is good to have. Is it better to have a lot of neighbors or fewer loyal neighbors that visit daily? I'm not sure if the energy limit has anything to do with that
    The other thing is on my news page it doesnt show everyone who visits, especially when I have a lot of "responded to your request" messages. I remember you saying something about this on your game hints, but i forgot. thanks!
    My name is Michele, by the way
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