Conversation Between carmensuzette7 and SpiritWind00

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi the good news is that glimmerdust drops from a million places now. Look in the G entry in the inventory guide.

    The glimmer troves can be bought for gems under building tab in the market. Have a look through the items in the guide and see what you might have. Losing your game must have been hard. You didn't try to get it transferred? You only need to know your password to access it again. Let me know if you need info on that.
  2. I had reached level 44 in Castle Story and lost my game when my Ipad was reset. I’ve started over but i can’t find the little purple glimmerdust sources. Are they still available. Where do I get glimmerdust now? I’ve been collecting from mushrooms and mushroom circles and have 99 mushrooms and 4 glimmerdust. Do you have any advice? Thank you.
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