Conversation Between Rachael98 and madaxman

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi Rachael... Happy New Year!
  2. Thanks for the warning re the winds. Unfortunately this is the day when the men were to come and put solar panels on my roof... they could be blown away if they try. So far, though, it's not TOO blowy... we've certainly had worse during the year.
  3. Now, you be careful of those winds!
  4. . It's an excellent idea.
  5. Ah yes, now I see the details of the url! I should really have said not that I didn't mind you pinching my idea but that I was mightily chuffed that you pinched my idea!!
  6. Thanks.
    That should only do that if you're already a member; it's a join link.
  7. Hey, I don't mind you pinching my ideas (Forum Links, Mods Fan Club), though I think there may be a problem with the link. It won't allow me to see he page you are pointing to. Maybe that's because I'm already a member, I don't know, but I just thought I'd mention it.
  8. Aww...thank you.

    I like your Island Times. I have something for you to do though: give my friend a dog treat.
    And then headlines: "Biscuit stolen from [island name]!"
  9. Yes, I guess you're right re being fun to correspond with but being helpful probably trumps it (oh! I forgot to say that you were helpful!!). Re communication, I know that you are not a TS fan but you might like to have a look at this (just to prove that I have nothing to do!):

    Island Times No. 1
  10. I think you would.

    Hey, I don't spend my whole life here. Just most of it.
    Haha, well...protests...
    I hope that being fun to correspond to is something that matters, because communication is essential, no.
    And I think we may need to invent a new word; like "care" but slightly more powerful. But essentially, yes, I definitely do.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 33
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