Conversation Between Rachael98 and nmishii

32 Visitor Messages

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  1. The Sims 3 is good, yeah; City is new. Check it out on YT, it looks amazing - if you did get it, we could build our cities together.

    I wasn't THAT young in 2004...ish.
  2. I used to play The Sims a long time ago, 2004 or 2005? Back when you were probably just a little kid.

    I've been trying out some other games too.
  3. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've moved more towards EA.

    (why do I love money-grabbing companies!?)

    Their new Maxis Studios game looks awesome.
    (I'll probably get banned for mentioning another developer, so - TL Mods reading this, it's a PC game and not in any way encroaching on S8's revenue stream. OK?)
  4. I'm okay. Been a lot busier since last summer. Less time for games, and wasn't on the forum that much until last month.

    The forum isn't the same as it used to be. Neither is playing the games. I guess if I played the newer games it might be more exciting, but by the time they are released to Android they have modified the game so that they are a lot slower and harder to progress.
  5. Hey,

    Thanks - I'm OK, but...well, I'm not here for TL-related stuff now, just the remnants of the community as I knew it.

    How are you?
  6. Hi Rachael. Saw your post today; haven't seen you on in a while. Hope everything is going well with you. Hope to see you on the forum more.
  7. Happy Birthday!!!
  8. I approved your account.
    Thanks - I meant signing up, but please (if you have time, I know it's a precious commodity) recruit and post . Then hopefully by the time autumn comes, we might be needing new mods.

    I'll PM you there, too.
  9. I joined as a member, although I left the default birthday. I was over 13 before you were born. I'll check out your site after work today.

    I haven't been much on the forum, except lately because of the GooglePlay promotion. I don't have time at the moment to moderate if that's what you're asking about. Maybe after the summer.

    It looks like a pretty good site so far.
  10. Hey...!

    Could you do me a favour with that?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
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