Conversation Between Rachael98 and DerGelbeKaiser

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey Raech! I' doing ok. My pup has grown A LOT these past months and is now fully housetrained. I'm having money problems and suffer from insomnia - which is why I'm up so late :-)
    Playing Farm Story for a while, on and off. I wanted to do a proper winter design but somehow got stuck in intensive farming so now, since my farm is just one big field anyway, I'm collecting as many gems as I can while waiting for some inspiration (and patience) to redesign my farm.
  2. How are you doing?
  3. ...I understand...
  4. Sorry, Blitzy. Just browsing through the TL forum for a little while is already making my bloodpressure go up. I was just checking on the collectibles list (since android users seem to have them now, half a year later) and was glad I know how many items will be taken out of the shop next week.
    I'm really sorry for the users of the lower levels - 750 000 coins for the stable! Unachievable for anybody under level 300, I think. Fortunately I've done some serious planting the past week and have over a million so I'll stock up.
    All the best
  5. Awww...cute. That's OK, thanks for letting me know.

    @below: Forum Disputes
  6. Hey, Blitzy! I got a puppy!!!!! That means I'm out of the game for a while so sorry that I won't be visitn and/or giftign for a couple of weeks!
    have fun!
  7. Yay...gems for me. No, I enjoy being on the Forums, and the games.
  8. Hi? Who are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8