Conversation Between nmishii and joyirene

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I don't think they fixed the gifting. GM would have said something, and there has been no word from TL since Friday, which I think is bad. Oh, they fixed the problem where deleted gifts counter.

    I tried gifting different times over the weekend. I got half to go through at midnight, almost none around lunch, and a bunch around dinner. Since many may have received their first gift after 2:30 PDT with the maintenence, I tried a couple of hours after that today and got 2/3 of the gifts to go. I'm going to try again around 10-11pm and hope that most goes. I'm not going to be able to gift twice a day, especially with different people wanting food or parts, but I want to find a time that'll get me the most good neighbors. And there are neighbors who I haven't been able to gift in 5 days and I want to try to get to them.
  2. NO WAY! Did they fix the gifting, or was it just a miracle?
  3. I successfully sent you a gift on Restaurant Story AND Bakery Story!!!
  4. Your messages are full
  5. Uh oh I better watch out lol!
  6. Thank you. I'm #9 now, having passed hectorloch. Mogwai4111 in 29 posts. Then you're next . But that's about 250 posts away and probably not going to happen.
  7. Congrats on #10!!!
  8. Yes I do lol
  9. Sorry for the late reply. Most times I cannot see my vm on my computer. On phone now.

    I do not live in CT. I live SE of los angeles. There is a city named norwalk nearby. When I posted greenwich I was thinking greenwich mean time. Once I posted anaheim as a city. That is where disneyland is and I am 11 miles from there. Do you live in CT?
  10. Do you live in ct just because Norwalk and Greenwich are in ct
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10