Conversation Between seastripes and sophiacml

4 Visitor Messages

  1. One more question, did you lost any gems whilst the transfer?
  2. You sounded not that difficult then. I hope when my time comes, it won't be any hassles. Thanks for the info.
  3. Did you message me only or you got some others too? Let me know how the procedures go & whether it works cause sooner or later, I'll have my iPhone transfer the game to iPod Touch. I hope it works instead have to work everything out from scratch cause yesterday, I got a neighbor from TS told me he started from scratch. That was sux as he claimed.
  4. BS - 62
    RS - 68
    NS - 29
    FS - 31

    Hope this help & can't wait to see you back on the game, good neighbor!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4