Conversation Between queentina3 and pinkster73

160 Visitor Messages

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  1. I just read that. I didn't know what to say
  2. hahaha, omg I forgot about that!

    Check this out.
  3. You're the one who loved that picture of the puppy
  4. Are you trying to tell me I have a dirty mind?
  5. Omg I never thought of that!
  6. You do realize how your last post could be taken, correct? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if it will get deleted. *snorts*
  7. Peanuts and raspberries are crazy
  8. So I've finally made level 70, and I mastered those darn peanuts. UGH, I thought my brain was going to explode by the time I was done. I swear my eyes were going cross-eyed and I ended up with a migraine.

    Now I just need another 1.3 mil, if I don't want to leave myself any leeway coin wise, then I can get that darn vineyard! I was thinking about planting more strawberries or peanuts to get me there, but then decided against it for now. I don't think I can't take it, at least not without wanting to throw my iPad out the window.

  9. You've always stuck up for Android, even after your defection
  10. And I'm making the biggest ruckas in that thread, and I don't even play my Android games. Can't ever claim I don't stick up for Androids anymore, can ya?
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 160
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