Conversation Between sweetstuff525 and PartyScout

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello,

    In Restaurant Story, how do you make the French Fries to achieve the goal? Which appliance do you use?

    Thank you.
  2. No it didn't. As a matter of fact, I was quite annoyed that I spent all that time on a goal that only gave me the ability to spend 12 gems!
    I would be happy to have 2. I probably would have purchased the 2nd one anyway.
  3. Yes they should give you the mummy baker and since you bough one with. 12 gems now you will have 2

    When the mummy unlocked it didnt have a x1 in the right hand corner?
  4. Hello.
    I did not get a free mummy baker when I achieved the goal. I had to buy one for 12 gems and it is in my dock.
    I emailed TL.

    Do you really think they will give me one?

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4