Conversation Between FarmerTrunte and 27Redd

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Q,

    A week ago, I actually won a contest. 30 gems that I would have to go to my Bakery... But haven't received then yet
    There have been some problems to transfer.. But hope it won't be long... Because I WANT my own little Mohan That's what
    I'm going to get....

    Just wanted to tell
  2. Have you been to the US before? I have actually visited Denmark, Germany (have relatives there), France, and England. I have to say, I really enjoyed Germany and Denmark the most. Didn't really care for England.
  3. How fun to travel so much I think I will still play. When it's not fun for me is when I will stop. I won't stop because everyone says to. I will make the decision You?
  4. Hi! Yes I am in Cali It's been very hot and humid lately. How about you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4