Conversation Between Rachael98 and bawpotter

73 Visitor Messages

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  1. YOU ARE ALIVE!!! YAY!!!

    lol. Where the heck have you been?
  2. You'll do a fantastic job - very best of luck!
  3. Thanks! This is a dream come true for me, it's true.
  4. Congrats, my friend - I know you've wanted to moderate for ages
  5. Yes, I know her username… But what is with the akward typing s****s? Who types like that? (Besides her, because I just KNOW you will say, her.)
  6. That, my friend, is Meggie520. You can tell, because that's her username.
  7. Who... um... is... umm... that...
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  8. Congrats on being nightclub owner! 5k posts, nice. REALLY ncie.
  9. Found them now.
  10. Lol, well that isn't good.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 73
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