Conversation Between trenae and Rachael98

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  1. Do you mean you are unable to log in?

    I know there were some changes - as in doesn't look like unregistered posters can post now - but not sure where they are at in the process for that forum.
  2. Haha...they've now replied to my CM query...but I can't get into my account for some reason...I wonder why?
  3. When I went round reporting anything inappropriate in-game, I saw that "hate" side. At least you guys are right anyway.
    Is the second paragraph a subtle way of telling me
    (a) I posted too often in the Moderation Thread
    (b) I should stop giving GM not-so-subtle hints?
  4. haha, well that's part of moderating - there will be members of the forum/site that don't care for you, that report you, that say rude/nasty things - all part of the territory - it's your reaction to those things is what you need to be aware of.

    In terms of what was posted in the moderation thread - another thing to grow from. The other thing is expressing your interest in something is always a good thing, but after expressing interest - sometimes it's best to not approach it again until another opportunity for that particular thing comes up again.
  5. I have VMed, PMed and response and no action! It will work out.

    Anyway...the bit about just deleting anything I didn't like was a joke (there'd be no posts left in some threads!). I'd only delete if it was within GM's guideline. Which Kooky has mentioned, although I'd love to know what they actually are. And, as I'm saying that you are rightly assuming that I don't know what they are and that I'm hinting towards asking you "What are they?".
  6. The community managers of all their forums are pretty busy - it's all a process. New forums are always interesting in terms of how it goes and things to set up, etc. If there is something that needs their attention, make sure to post it in the CM thread or send a PM directly to one of the CMs. They may not always catch every thread/post but I'm sure they appreciate any help with things being brought to their attention. They're cool peeps.

    haha, you can't just delete if something seems a bit off or rude.
  7. Re: not impersonating.
    I try, but I feel that my efforts sometimes get in the way of the actual clarity of the post. Another fine line! I don't ever try impersonating staff though.
  8. {PART 2}I admit I can get pretty exasperated with people sometimes not picking up on something immediately-but I'm aware of it and trying to control myself.
    I can only try. Hopefully it will pay off. And hopefully none of the 8 threads (8's quite a lot...probably accusing Mods of untrue things!) in Forum Disputes will be about me if I do become a Mod.
    I was talking to Mog ages ago about why I wanted to...I didn't put in the Moderation thread what I said to him because I thought it sounded politician-like and cold-hearted. But apparently it was much better than what I put. So I felt stupid! Lol.
  9. {1}Lol. Their community managers are too busy elsewhere to come online for more than a few minutes...then they never respond to anything. That's the problem. They'll get there though, I'm sure.
    I definately try to learn. From other users, and anything. Everything has something to learn from-so I certainly try to learn as much as humanly possible.
    I am also able to "shrug off" things like that (or lash out with Mod powers and delete the post...obviously only if it would be appropriate to do so) if I wish. I do plenty of that in RL!
  10. The best way to approach not being taken for staff of a site is to make sure to not use "we" and "us" and other words which may make it look like you are posting for the site. All in the wording. There will always be times where people think some are affiliated with sites and companies, it's just all in how you handle it. Another thing to take it as it is - and answer to the best of your ability while being clear that you do not work for the company.
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