Conversation Between TheFluffySlipper and Rachael98

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Have you disappeared off of TL Earth or something?
  2. Where are you?
  3. Won what?!

    Oh the movie game lol ... Gotcha now. I thought you won 'story' of the week or something!
  4. Yay! I won!
  5. Thank you. It was... how did you...oh, I told you. Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed it and it went very well.
  6. Good job on your choir performance!
  7. Not worried about my friend now. Magwai4111. Again! I've only just sorted something out with her. It's not fair! I quote someone and she kicks off. OK, I apologise. I have a legal debate with someone about it. And now....
  8. Thank you.
  9. I think she's realized she was wrong although I don't know who all these people who are annoyed at you that she keeps talking about. I don't know why she keeps posting on my wall (I didn't see it until now) but I do think she might just be a bit of a gossip. Don't worry about what she says.
  10. Ah...hang on...(x) What's that???
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