Conversation Between smnthwdd and Rachael98

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Yes, I have.
    Weather seems to be a big issue everything, though Bridgewater's festival is in trouble over flood waters. But you get BBC News Look NORTH, not POINTS West.
    I love being near so many things: Stonehenge, the Cotswolds, White Horses, Landsdowne, Longleat, Avebury, an hour or so from London. Brilliant.
  2. Indeed.
    What's your favourite thing about living there?
  3. Wye right next door it is...
  4. . Near Gateshead; my aunt and uncle live there. Very nice. Who knows, maybe I've been within a few miles of you.
  5. Newcastle u/tyne��
  6. Wilts. You?
  7. Yeahhhh....where abouts?
    Most ppl on the story games are from US... X
  8. Location: UK? Me too.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8