Conversation Between Mel19 and Donnahh

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Donnah, you still playing? I'll message you on Facebook.
  2. <3

  3. Yeah, I saw the lovely post directed at you. Nice one, eh. This dude needs some serious help.
  4. And some random freaked out and got quite rude towards me.
  5. Yay, it's posting now :/
  6. Yeah, all I ever seem to do is report porn. The freak posting them is usually doing so between 11pm and 1am, and I am often on here then. You can see him at it... a bunch of posts will come up when you click on "new posts", and they will all be about 1 minute apart. I keep on reporting them (by the way, I hate how you have to wait 60 seconds before reporting a second post), but nobody seems to be around to be able to do anything about it. I dont know what is going on, but you've got to wonder why the mods haven't been on here.
  7. Members
    Active Members

    LOL maybe Norman is on holiday and not active?
  8. Absoultely not :/ And I've spent my time on this forum this morning reporting posts. I don't come here to read anymore it seems, I'm the sheriff of dubious images posted here :/
  9. Have you seen any sign of Norman or SavoyTruffle lately?
  10. In order of preference:
    Farm Story
    Bakery Story
    Restaurant Story
    City Story
    Treasure Story

    Update is NOT good! It adds more lag, it adds more time to watering and tipping and it's generally pretty but not effective. Personally I would have liked more items, land, crops or similar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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