Conversation Between Christiana12345 and lollipop_rp

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Cool, I looked it up and now I know what the air brush is. But, I have no idea about Wat the names of the others are.

    I just thought it'd would be helpful.
  2. Okay!!! I would love too! I might do it sooner bcuz i almost have to eat dinner
  3. Hi
    Can you make a screen shot of sketchbook express and label each tool, like Wat it is. Then, below where u write ur post, can u explain each tool. Ex, what you use it for.

    Sorry if its a lot, you don't have to do it. Only if you have time. Also, I asked you since you seem very experienced with the app
  4. No problem
  5. Thanks!
  6. Nice profile picture
  7. Hi
    I just wanted to let you know that the group "the all girls guide" has reached 45 members. To celebrate, I am giving out a surprise. The surprise is split into separate parts. The first one is already up. If You have time, u can look and participate.

    Link to Surprise part 1:

    Also, if you have anyone else who may want to join my group please let me know or tell them to join.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7